Can I pay by the month, quarter or year?

Subscription Payments

For subscriptions, you have the option to pay on a monthly or quarterly basis.

Currently, we do not offer annual prepayments.

One-Time Services (Security or Recovery)

For one-time services, payment is made in full unless otherwise agreed upon in writing.

What is a one-page website?

A one page website = a website with 1 page. That’s it, thanks for reading!

Explanation of a one page website

A one page website displays all the important information on a single page:

  1. Introduction to the company or product
  2. Key points
  3. Possibly a Showcase/Portfolio
  4. References/Reviews
  5. A contact form OR contact information

Sometimes a separate checkout page or contact page is added.

The pitfall of a one page website

A one page website presents all the important elements on a single page, which can sometimes make it lengthy and overwhelming.

How to make the one page website user-friendly and accessible for visitors

To make the page more organized, it is often helpful to use a navigation that directly takes you to the relevant section on the page. The page scrolls to the appropriate position.

pagina vershuift

How does linking to a section within the page work technically?

You assign an ID to the desired section on the page.
This can be a DIV or a HEADLINE: <div id=”about-us”> or <h2 id=”about-us”>
Then, you refer to the link like this: #about-us

Simple, isn’t it!?

The advantages of a one page website

  • Less content is needed
    In fact, it is recommended not to overcrowd the page with extensive blocks of information; instead, distribute the content across multiple pages.

The disadvantages of a one page website

  • Fewer pages in Google’s index
    With only one page, your visibility is reduced when people search for your company or product.
    This means that another website addressing the same topic with multiple pages will stand out more and appear directly below your first search result along with a few other results.
  • Less analytical tracking capability
    Since a visitor has no other pages to navigate to after the initial page (from an analytics perspective, they only exit the website), it becomes more challenging to track their interests, whether they wanted to learn more, or if they intended to contact you, etc.

Is creating a one page website easier than a regular website?

You might think that it is much easier and cheaper to create a one page website or have it built by a web developer.

However, that’s not the case. Setting up a website involves a few tasks:

+ Installing or configuring the website
+ Designing the theme
+ Implementing and formatting the content

Afterward, it’s not very difficult to add a few extra pages and distribute the text from the homepage across those pages!

You still need all the skills required for a regular website when creating a one page website! And the workload is almost the same.

Who is a one page website suitable for?

  • For companies or products with limited availableinformation

    or those that prefer to share only essential information.

  • For website owners who want an easy-to-maintain website with only one page.
  • For web developers who want to save one hour of work πŸ˜‰
    Although it should be noted that creating a one page website also requires expertise; it’s just a different way of presenting information. But once you become proficient at it, it’s smooth sailing!

Also, remember that every website needs security, whether it has 1 or 10 pages. WordPress and its plugins require updates and security measures.
And that’s where we come in! After more than 10 years of experience, we excel in website security.
Contact us for any questions or secure and maintain your WordPress website now!


Coding with ChatGPT – 5 tips and pitfalls!

Can you use ChatGPT to write code for you? Absolutely! But with these 5 tips, you’ll have more success.

Tip 1: Use ChatGPT in Your native language (mine is Dutch as you can see in the images below)


It may seem obvious, but talk to ChatGPT in your own language!
Anyone who uses Google knows that code and solutions are usually found on English-language blogs and forums.

You can safely chat in almost any language with ChatGPT! It’s much easier! Let ChatGPT do the translation for you πŸ™‚

Tip 2: Request your native language comments with the code


Ask for your own language comments to be included with the code generated by ChatGPT. This makes it much easier for you to read, and also easier to indicate new requirements or modifications to ChatGPT.

Example: Can you modify the function to check for server errors so that the $url is extracted from the current page? etc…

Tip 3: Be clear


Call things by their names. Refer to code by mentioning it explicitly.

Be precise about what you have in mind, what adjustments or code you want ChatGPT to write.
Example: It’s NOT “that” code, BUT the $headers variable, or $url, or the checkForServerError function. (taking the code from the above image as an example)

Tip 4: What, Where, Why?

ChatGPT works best when it knows WHAT you want. You want code, but WHERE will that code run?
WHY is that code being written, what is your objective?

ChatGPT is highly intelligent and sometimes knows better than yourself what you need to do to achieve a specific result

Below, you can see HOW you can put ChatGPT to work with targeted information using the WHAT, WHERE, and WHY method.

Tip 5: Break code into pieces


ChatGPT currently has a limit. The code it can write for you at once is limited to 2048 characters. After that, it simply stops writing the code.

You can sometimes ask to complete the code, but that often doesn’t work well. It becomes too long to write and the code is left incomplete, resulting in code that doesn’t work properly.

So how do you break code into pieces?

For example, say: We are now going to write a PLUGIN. For WordPress. (tip 4, be clear)
With 3 FUNCTIONS, each in a separate FILE.
FUNCTION 1 with filename: function-activation
FUNCTION 2 with filename: function-display
FUNCTION 3 with filename: function-deactivation

Assuming your code needs to fulfill multiple functions (or goals).

If you have styling as well, indicate

that you will put all STYLING in a separate CSS file. Otherwise, ChatGPT will include the styling inline, making the answer or code much too long and breaking off.

Continuously refer to those files/functions clearly when asking ChatGPT to write or modify code for you. Otherwise, ChatGPT may write code in new blocks, mix them up, or forget the interplay between them.

Bonus Tip: Do you code a lot?


Consider using ChatGPT Plus. At the time of writing, it costs 20 euros per month, but the code is written much faster (up to 4x faster), reducing your waiting time. This advantage becomes significant, especially when making many corrections.

Pssst: Do you have any tips for us? Share them in the comments below!

Is WordPress security really necessary?

<span style=”font-size: 16px;”>WordPress security may seem unnecessary for many website owners because, after all… millions of websites are built with WordPress, right?! Does that mean they’re all insecure? Read now whether WordPress security is necessary or unnecessary for your WordPress websites.</span>
<h2>WordPress itself is secure</h2>
WordPress itself is kept incredibly secure and up-to-date by a team of professionals. WordPress itself is not a security risk as long as you keep it updated!

The problem lies in the plugins…
<h2>The plugins</h2>
The plugins pose the risk. The plugins are created by different individuals, and not everyone has received a high-level education as a programmer.

As more plugins are used, the risk increases that mistakes are made in the code.
Hackers are constantly searching for ways to infect websites with malware, advertisements, and primarily links to their own products or services. This is called black-hat SEO.
<h2>The question again, is WordPress security necessary?</h2>
This depends on the number of plugins you use. If you use 3 and keep them up-to-date, your website won’t be at much risk.
But if you use 10, 20, 30, or even 40 plugins… yes, then you need to take certain measures to prevent hackers from easily gaining access.
<h2>Managing security yourself or outsourcing?</h2>
You can manage security yourself or outsource it. Whether you manage it yourself or outsource it depends on several factors:

<strong>Securing your WordPress website yourself</strong>

If you have a simple informational website.
If you use a few plugins, maximum 5-8.
If you keep them well updated.
If you use strong passwords.
If you don’t give access to your website to just anyone.
If you have a security plugin like iThemes Security OR Sucuri OR WordFence installed.
If you have a good web host.

Then this can work fine for years without problems or malware.

<strong>Having your WordPress website secured by professionals</strong>

Do you have an online shop? Do you offer services and products? Do you have a contact form, quote form? In short, do people fill in important information on your website?
Are you heavily dependent on your website for income? Do you have a reputation to maintain?
In short, are you a medium-sized company?

In that case, it’s best to have your WordPress website professionally secured.
The cost of a hack, of a damaged Google reputation, outweighs the relatively small monthly amount you pay for the security and maintenance of your website.

Have your website secured and maintained, and by security and maintenance, we mean:
<li>Controlled updates – Periodic and immediate for known vulnerabilities</li>
<li>Professional security – Through a good firewall, good configuration</li>
<li>Monitoring – User activity, messages, uptime</li>
<li>Recovery guarantee – No costs if a vulnerable plugin causes problems</li>
<li>Backups – Daily backup to an external data vault</li>
<li>Question and answer – Technical support</li>
<li>Debugging – In case of plugin or theme conflicts</li>
Request security and maintenance for your WordPress website now!

<a class=”btn btn-green” href=””>Request</a>

Will FSE (Full Site Editing) make website builders obsolete?

In June-July 2021, the first elements of FSE, or editing a complete website with blocks, are scheduled to be introduced in WordPress 5.8.

Currently, you can only edit the content using the Gutenberg editor. But what if the footer, sidebar, and header can also be created using the Gutenberg editor?!

In that case, you won’t actually need a theme because you won’t see much of it. Maybe not even a web programmer or designer. Right?

The latter is often the fear of many designers, but it’s not realistic.

Even though it becomes “easier” to build a website because it can all be done with one tool (Gutenberg blocks), creating a beautiful and well-functioning website still requires expertise.

You can’t learn to create a well-functioning business website from a book or by tinkering with blocks alone.

What is a good SEO plugin for WordPress?

Yoast as SEO plugin

I have been using Yoast SEO for several years, which is the most popular SEO plugin for WordPress. Yoast was created by Joost, someone from the Netherlands. He has a whole team working hard on developments.

Nice, of course, but in my opinion, as an avid blogger, I feel like I’m missing some features. Or maybe I just can’t find them because the layout has changed several times over the years.

Therefore, I thought, can’t it be better?
That’s why I had a table compiled with the 4 most popular SEO plugins, showcasing the available features of the plugins in a clear table format.

Below you can read my conclusion about this table.

Table: The 4 Most Popular SEO Plugins

Features Yoast SEO All in One SEO Pack SEOPress Rank Math
XML sitemap generation βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ…
Automatically generated meta tags βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ…
Canonical URL support βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ…
Robots.txt configuration βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ…
Support for Google AMP ❌ βœ… ❌ ❌
Breadcrumbs βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ…
Readability tool βœ… ❌ βœ… βœ…
Internal linking suggestions βœ… ❌ βœ… βœ…
Redirection tool βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ…
404 monitoring ❌ ❌ βœ… βœ… support βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ…
Google Analytics integration βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ…
Open Graph integration βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ…

media previews

βœ… ❌ ❌ βœ…
Available in multiple languages βœ… ❌ ❌ βœ…
Price Freemium Freemium Freemium Freemium

Yoast SEO has the most important features, but I think there are a few key features missing. All in One SEO Pack and SEOPress also fall a bit short. The layout of Yoast SEO has changed multiple times over the years, and some features are difficult to find.

That’s why I switched to Rank Math SEO because it offers a “SIMPLE mode” that makes things a lot easier.

So far, I’m satisfied with Rank Math. I found the features I used with separate plugins before. Also, Rank Math shows less intrusive advertising compared to Yoast SEO.

The choice of an SEO plugin depends on personal preferences and the specific needs of your website. It’s always a good idea to try out different plugins and see which one fits your workflow best.

Which SEO plugin you ultimately choose depends on your specific requirements and preferences. It’s advisable to review the documentation and features of each plugin before making a decision.

WordPress updaten of afwachten? Hier is het antwoord!

WordPress updaten is een uitdaging! Dat geldt voor de meeste WordPress website eigenaren. De meesten zien er tegenop en stellen het updaten van de WordPress website maand-na-maand en uiteindelijk zelfs een jaar of langer uit. Wij begrijpen dat wel.

De angst voor verandering in het ontwerp van de website, de zorgen over niet-functionerende plugins, of de kosten en moeite van het bijwerken.

TΓ³ch is het heel belangrijk om deze zorgen opzij te zetten en je WordPress website geregeld te updaten. Lees nu waarom je WordPress en de plugins tΓ³ch beter eens per 2 maanden of zelfs maandelijks kunt updaten.

WordPress updaten voorkomt grotere problemen!

wordpress updaten is nodig om het risico van hacks te voorkomen
WordPress updaten kun je (niet) eindeloos uitstellen. Door je WordPress website regelmatig te updaten voorkom je dat bots zwakke plugins exploiteren en malware, backdoors, SEO spam en ongewenste beheerders op je website aanmaken.

Het verwijderen en ongedaan maken van de malware en hacks kan duur en tijdrovend zijn. Daarom is het belangrijk om je WordPress website regelmatig te updaten en deze problemen te voorkomen.

Ja, er kan iets misgaan met het updaten van je WordPress website..

[inn-2v3e]Updaten van je WordPress website kan soms helaas problemen veroorzaken.

Daar heb je absoluut gelijk in.

Misschien heb je dat zelf al eerder ervaren tijdens het updaten van je WordPress website, of enkele plugins.. of je thema.

[inn-1v3e]website update error[sluit-inn]

De risico’s als je je WordPress website niet update zijn veel groter!

Uit onderzoek op blijkt dat er veel oude plugin-versies en thema’s zijn met beveiligingslekken. Het negeren van updates stelt je WordPress website open voor deze onnodige lekken!

Maar hoe kun je WordPress, de plugins en het thema dan updaten zonder problemen?

PRO TIP: WordPress updaten? Maak EERST een gratis backup met Updraftplus voor WordPress!

Updraftplus biedt de mogelijkheid om een gratis backup van je WordPress website te maken voordat je updates uitvoert. Mocht er iets misgaan, dan kun je de plugins, het thema, of de database los van elkaar terugzetten naar hoe ze waren voordat je de update uitvoerde.

Enkele van de belangrijkste functies van Updraftplus die op dit moment gratis te gebruiken zijn:

  • Het maken van een backup
  • Mogelijkheid om het thema terug te zetten
  • Mogelijkheid om plugins terug te zetten
  • Mogelijkheid om de database terug te zetten

Download en installeer UpdraftPlus gratis!

Na het maken van een back-up kun je met grotere zekerheid aan de slag met de updates.
Ben je nu alsnog erg voorzichtig? Stel je de updates alsnog uit?

Ja maar, updaten van mijn WordPress website blijft eng!

PRO TIP 2:Β  LAAT je WordPress website updaten en onderhouden

Laat het updaten van je WordPress website over aan een professional!
Met meer dan 15 jaar full-time WordPress ervaring ben ik je betrouwbare adres voor het updaten, het technisch onderhouden en het veilig houden van je WordPress (bedrijfs) website. Door je WordPress website door mij te laten onderhouden, kun jij je richten op je bedrijf, terwijl ik zorg voor de technische kant van je WordPress website, zoals het up-to-date houden van je plugins, het thema en de WordPress installatie.

Ik ben 7 dagen per week actief en beschikbaar om ervoor te zorgen dat jouw website veilig en up-to-date blijft.

[cta link=”/contact” knop_text=”Neem nu contact op”]Laat je WordPress-updates aan ons over en geniet van een veilige en optimaal functionerende website![/cta]



You Must Secure WordPress Against Hackbots – now read why

Most people don’t know it, but you need to secure WordPress against hackbots, not just against that one person manually trying to hack your website! Why should you secure WordPress against hackbots and not hackers? Well…

99.9% of all attacks on WordPress websites are executed by hackbots.

With this knowledge, you now understand why your number one priority should be securing your website against hackbots.

What is a Hackbot?

a friendly hackbot
A hackbot is essentially an advanced script designed to hack other websites. The script is executed by a bot or robot, typically a server since it has an internet connection.

Hackbots can continuously search for WordPress websites with known vulnerabilities in plugins, outdated WordPress installations, themes, and security.

Securing WordPress, isn’t that the web developer’s job?

web developer designerNo, most web developers create websites. Web developers focus on design, content, and, in the best case, they install and configure a free security plugin.

Most web developers then move on to the next website, while ongoing maintenance and protection against hackbots are necessary.

Securing WordPress, isn’t that the web host’s job?

No, your web host is not responsible for the software and plugins you use. The web host will allow you to use outdated plugins, vulnerable versions of WordPress, or themes with vulnerabilities.

Why Hackbots Pose the Greatest Risk

A hackbot can easily launch 1000 requests (read: attacks) per minute on your website to test for vulnerabilities. In contrast, a human can manually test only 3-5 vulnerabilities per minute if they type very quickly πŸ˜‰

How Does a Hackbot Work?

A hackbot scans search engines for websites built with WordPress and then looks for:

  1. Outdated plugins with known security vulnerabilities
    Plugins are coded by third parties, different individuals, and sometimes entire teams. Not everyone prioritizes security, which allows hackers to discover and exploit vulnerabilities.
  2. User accounts
    It examines the authors and possible passwords. Sometimes, passwords are exposed in a breach (Check here), and in the worst case, they are easily guessed passwords through brute-force attacks.
  3. Themes
    Weak points in themes are tested, such as input fields and outdated add-ons.

If security vulnerabilities are found, a hackbot runs a script specifically designed for that vulnerability. In the hacking world, they call it a payload.

Hackbots Continuously Evolve

This makes it extremely challenging for web developers and other service providers to focus on their field of expertise without constantly staying up to date with the latest changes in hackbots.

When hackers realize their hackbots are no longer bypassing security measures, they modify the bots/scripts.

But I Have a Small Website!

That’s also one of the differences

between hackbots and humans. A bot attempts to infiltrate EVERY website, no matter how small it is.

Whether you’re a local hairdresser, baker, or bicycle shop owner… for a bot, every website is one it would love to take over.

In contrast, humans often target larger companies or online stores.

Securing WordPress Against Hackbots: How Does It Work?

When you know what a hackbot looks for, you also know what you need to hide and how to block access for those nasty hackbots:

  1. Start by logging the requests (attacks).
  2. Then block hackbots based on their IP addresses.

Wow, that’s simple, right? Just throw in a security plugin like iThemes Security, Sucuri, or Wordfence… What? Install all three of them!

Securing WordPress with a Security Plugin

Installing a security plugin won’t immediately close all doors for hackbots.

There’s more to securing your WordPress website:

  1. You need to have server security in place.
    In most cases, this responsibility lies with your web host. Make sure you have a good web host that keeps the server up to date and secure.
  2. You need to use strong passwords.
    No, not your cat’s name with the postal code or your birthdate appended to it πŸ˜‰
  3. You need to limit the use of plugins.
    Each plugin loads code that can contain vulnerabilities.
  4. You need to keep your website up to date.
    You can have strict security settings, but if a plugin is outdated and vulnerable, a hackbot can compromise your website in 1-2 targeted attacks before the security measures kick in and block it.

Can I Secure WordPress Myself?

With the knowledge you have now, you can better secure WordPress. You know what you need to protect your website against.

However, it is a specialized field, and hackers worldwide are constantly working to create hackbots capable of taking over WordPress websites.

If you have a large business website, it’s important to have your website secured by a WordPress specialist.

As you’ve probably realized by now, we are WordPress specialists in security! You’ve come to the right place to secure your WordPress business website.

Do you want to secure your website?

Click here!

WordPress Monitoring with Screenshots

We have great news! We are expanding our comprehensive management and update service package with screenshots!

We now take a daily screenshot of your entire homepage, which we store and can review at any time in a timeline.

Why Daily Screenshots are Important

  1. Screenshots provide literal “insight” into changes that can occur during updates
    By taking a daily screenshot of your homepage and saving it, we have a valuable archive of your website at different points in time. These screenshots show how your website looked on that specific day. This allows us to identify and correct any changes.
  2. Convenience during discussions
    If changes occur, we can refer to the screenshots, and you can point out any potential differences.
  3. No need for photographic memory
    While you, as a website owner, may know your website very well, you don’t have a photographic memory. We, of course, are familiar with your website, but we mainly focus on the technical side and also lack a photographic memory. But now, with the screenshots, we do!

Convenience and Assurance

With the new daily screenshots, we offer an additional level of convenience and assurance in managing your website. It’s our way of ensuring that we can always refer back to a previous state of your website if needed.

Daily Screenshots Now Included in All Our Maintenance and Security Packages

Best of all, this service is now included as a standard feature in all our existing maintenance and security packages, at no additional cost to you!

Would you like to enjoy security and peace of mind? Have us continuously maintain and secure your website!

Click here for a maintenance and security package

Daily backups

We automatically create a complete backup of your website every day, which is stored in a secure external data vault. Both the files and the database, which includes all users, pages, and news articles, are backed up to ensure that you never lose any data!

Why a daily up-to-date backup is necessary:
– When you post daily news articles
– For a WooCommerce online store with daily orders
– The web host may experience a malfunction
– Data loss can occur due to a plugin
– Data loss can result from an administrative error

Not just a single backup:
What if you accidentally deleted something last week, such as an account or an important message? Or what if you realize one month later that you lost some data? That’s why we store backups in the data vault for 90 days, which is much longer than what most web hosts offer.

The importance of control:
It happens to others that a backup is not available when it is needed!
This can be due to:
– Incorrect storage on the server
– A directory suddenly becoming non-writable
– Server storage running out
– Expiration of a license
– Misconfiguration of the backup plugin

We prevent these problems:
We receive immediate notifications if a backup fails, and we take action to ensure that backups are created daily.

We provide this comprehensive backup service as a standard feature for everyone with an ongoing security package.