What is a WordPress theme?

A WordPress theme is the appearance of the website. You can think of it as the bodywork of a car.

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WordPress itself is the engine that manages the content. The theme presents the content to the visitor in a visually appealing way, making it easy to read and navigate.

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WordPress themes come in various styles and colors. There is also a lot of variation in terms of automation!


A good WordPress theme is important! No matter how good a writer you are or how great your company is, a WordPress theme can make or break your website!

What makes a good WordPress theme?

  • It does not require an excessive number of plugins (for security reasons)
  • Customizable color options (for those without coding knowledge)
  • Responsive design to ensure it works well on mobile and tablet devices
  • Number of pre-programmed templates included
  • Ensuring the theme is not associated with any known hacks (check here)
  • Using a legitimate purchase of the theme by you or the developer (no Nulled themes!)

The top 5 misconceptions about WordPress

WordPress has been successfully used as a blog or business website by millions of users. It has been around since 2003 and has evolved from a simple blog platform to a fully-fledged CMS for extensive (business) websites.

The best part is that it has been freely available for years! It is released under the GPL (General Public License) and can be used by individuals and businesses without limitations.

However, there are many misconceptions about WordPress that are not accurate, and WPbeveiligen has listed the top 5 misconceptions:

  1. WordPress is a blogging system and not suitable for business websites. Fortunately, WordPress is highly flexible. Many paid themes offer the option to remove the “blog elements” so that it looks and functions like a professional website.
  2. WordPress is complicated for many, and its features are too extensive. This may be the initial impression when you look at the WordPress admin panel. However, most of the features are not used by bloggers/writers, so the web builder only needs to set it up once and then never worry about it again!
  3. You have to use WordPress from WordPress.com, making you dependent on their service. WordPress is software that you can freely download and install on your own server or hosting package. You are not dependent on anyone and can be sure that your blog or business website will still be online in the future.
  4. WordPress is not suitable for search engines. Out-of-the-box, WordPress is not 100% optimized. You will need to set up the permalinks yourself and add an SEO plugin that places meta tags in the header and allows you to customize them per page.
  5. WordPress is not secure.Similar to the popular operating system Windows, WordPress has a large number of users, and therefore, hackers try to take advantage of it. Out-of-the-box, WordPress is secure, and it receives regular updates to fix any security vulnerabilities that are found.The additional third-party plugins are the ones that may have security issues.For this reason, you need a good security plugin to protect your WordPress website from hackers and brute-force attacks.

That’s the top 5! There are many other misconceptions and tips you can read on WPbeveiligen in our news section.

My articles have been copied!

My articles have been copied!

It is easy to copy texts from websites without anyone noticing. It’s a form of theft that is commonly seen on the internet. It is anonymous and easily done – just cut and paste.

Checking if your texts are stolen

You can use Copyscape to check if your texts have been stolen. In other words, to check for plagiarism. Go to Copyscape’s website and discover if your pages have been copied!

My texts have been stolen, what now?

With Copyscape, you have found the website that is using texts originally from your website. Now you can send an email to the relevant website with an urgent request to immediately remove the copied texts. Specify which text it is since such websites may have copied articles more than once.

If the website in question refuses to remove the texts, you can contact them again and mention that you will take legal action against this online theft.

Does online theft pay off?

Google has a rule that the search engine detects and often does not index Duplicate Content (copied text)!

This means that the first person who publishes the texts online is the owner of those texts and gets the credit from the search engine Google. The second person who uses the texts will not appear well in the Google index or even get a complete WEBSITE BAN, making them no longer discoverable in Google.

Stealing small pieces of text

Even small pieces of text are detected, and even short phrases that are copied can be found in Copyscape. Google is very good at identifying which texts are original and which are simply copied from another site.


If you want your website to rank well on Google, you must write unique texts yourself!

Setting up a good Permalink structure in WordPress

A Permalink structure? This term may not be immediately clear to many.

The Permalink is an enhancement of the link structure so that search engines like Google and others can better index the website. Properly preparing the Permalink Structure is of great importance for visitor numbers!

The Permalink structure of WordPress is not well-configured by default! It looks like this:

How to properly set up the permalink structure

To do this, go to your WordPress admin panel > Settings > Permalinks.

Right after installing a new WordPress website, you will see the permalink structure set to “Default.”

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It’s best to change this to “Post name” or to a “Custom Structure” where you can add a specific addition.

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As you can see on your own website or in the image above, the link in the navigation bar has now changed to a proper title instead of a number. The title improves your visitor numbers via Google, while the numbers that were there previously hold no meaning for the search engine.

A clean title is not only beneficial for search engines like Google but also enhances the overall appearance of your website. And as you can see, it’s a quick and easy change to make!

Scoring in Google

Scoring in Google is a much-discussed topic. Many theories and articles have been written about the system Google uses to determine the quality of a website.

With years of experience as website builders, we have listed some factors that Google takes into account:

Factors that determine the quality of your website

  1. Inbound links to your website
    This is the most well-known way Google calculates your PageRank. Whether you build a large network or receive recommendations (backlinks) from other businesses or websites, it indicates if your website is truly important or has something to offer. The process of obtaining links and making your website more important and well-known is called “link building.” It’s essential not to confuse this with spamming forums and websites. Google’s engine assesses the relevance of the linked websites, and based on that information, assigns value to your website.
  2. Number of pages or articles
    When Google’s engine, also called the Crawler, reads your website, it looks at the number of links and articles within it. This helps Google determine if attention has been paid to the website and whether visitors won’t hit a dead end if they don’t immediately find the answer, product, or service they are looking for.
  3. Links to other websites
    Links to other useful websites are essential to guide visitors in the right direction to find what they need on the internet. By placing valuable links, you add value to the quality of the pages that collectively form your website.
  4. Good coding
    Clear and good coding ensures that visitors can read your website well and have a pleasant experience. Since Google aims to ensure that a visitor finds what they are looking for, it also assesses if the website is well-structured. Websites with good code formatting will rank higher in the search engine compared to poorly programmed websites. To check if your website has good coding, you can use the W3C – Markup Validation Service to perform a free validation.
  5. Use of Text Formatting, Tags like H1, H3, Bold, and Italic
    Text formatting makes it easier for the visitor to find what is important or what they are looking for. Visitors do not want to read the entire page like a book; they often have a specific goal and only want to read the relevant information. Text formatting ensures that the eye is drawn to the most important information being sought.
    In particular, the use of large titles is crucial! Titles marked with H1-H3 codes are significant. For example, above this list, you see the title “Factors that determine the quality of your website,” which is an H3 tag accompanying the content. The most important title should be H1, ideally placed at the top of the website, summarizing what your website is about.

10 tips: Getting your website faster in Google

A good start is half the battle! Here are 10 tips to get your website faster on Google:

1. Use a regular domain extension like .nl, .com, .info, or .net, avoiding free domain names.

2. Complete your website fully before trying to get it indexed by Google. Avoid dead-end links and incomplete pages. Pages with very little content (less than 400 words) may be indexed slower or not at all.

3. Improve your position by getting backlinks from other quality websites to your own website.

4. Avoid x-rated content, strange languages, or offensive words on your website. Also, stay away from illegal topics.

5. Do not use tricks to falsely improve your Google ranking, such as hiding text or displaying it in the same color as the background.

6. Link related keywords to other pages with similar topics. This way, your website is more likely to provide visitors with what they are looking for, and Google will value your website more.

7. Use proper text formatting. Headings, bold, italic, and underlined text highlight important points and add value to both visitors and Google. Images with appropriate filenames and alt-tags can also reinforce the text.

8. Ensure good coding practices, avoid endless tables, or inline styles.

9. Utilize meta tags in the source code, especially for providing a clear description to Google. However, note that keyword meta tags are no longer considered by Google.

10. Avoid large files or images exceeding 2-3 MB each on your website, as they can slow down loading times and lower priority in Google’s eyes.

In essence, your website’s goal is to provide a good user experience. Google is a search engine designed to help visitors find the information they are looking for. By catering to your visitors’ needs, you enhance your chances of ranking well on Google.

Beautiful titles with Google Web Fonts

Google Web Fonts is one of the latest and easiest developments in a long time. We, at OntwerpExpert, personally believe that it is a better development than the entire arrival of CSS3, which many browsers older than a year currently do not support.

What is Google Web Fonts?

Google Web Fonts offer an easy application for using beautiful custom fonts, whether as titles or text. These fonts are hosted by Google itself and are available for free.

The fonts are dynamically loaded using jQuery, making them faster to load than images with text, which was previously used to display beautiful titles.

Crossbrowser functionality

Google Web Fonts work on both newer and older browsers, including Internet Explorer 6+ and mobile devices such as the iPad and Android 1.5 and higher. However, the way the new fonts are loaded varies by browser. Some browsers display the default CSS font until the Google Fonts are fully loaded, and then replace the default font with the chosen Google Font. Other browsers load the font and display the text only when it is fully loaded. It is assumed that the short load time of the font will not hinder the user experience. The font is also stored in the cache, which means that with the popularity of the font system, it is likely to be loaded more frequently, staying in the user’s memory.

Search engine friendly?

It is self-evident that this font system does not create any barriers for search engines when applied to titles. After all, Google itself developed and provided it. It is considered to be a static HTML text with only a different appearance. You can also see this in the website’s source code, where no significant changes are visible.

To explore more, you can visit the Google Fonts website.

Most common WordPress problems and the solutions!

WordPress is a good Content Management System (CMS) with many possibilities. With plugins, you can make your website as extensive as you want.

However, it often happens that the codes of plugins clash with each other or stop working after an update. Programmers do not always coordinate the plugins with each other, which means that each plugin loads its own jQuery Library or may use the same function names.

You might think that your website is hacked, but that may not be the case at all.

Various problems can arise, so we have described the most common questions and problems along with their solutions.

Problems & solutions: Installation

I need to fill in database details, what are they?

Database details during installation are used to give WordPress access to the MySQL database.

The database stores most settings, including:

  1. The text of pages and posts.
  2. The settings of plugins and your theme.
  3. The users

You might have received the MySQL database details from your hosting provider when you received the information about your hosting package.

Alternatively, you may need to create the database yourself, which can often be done through the panel of your hosting provider or via Cpanel or DirectAdmin.

The database details themselves are self-explanatory. You have a database name, a user/username (of which you can create multiple within a database), and a password. Additionally, there’s the table prefix like WP_ (it’s recommended to change the default wp_ prefix to a unique prefix for security reasons!).

Where are my pages, and how do I set a static page as the homepage?

You need to create pages after installation.
Don’t worry; you don’t need to upload pages anymore—that’s the advantage of a CMS!
You can create new pages with just a few clicks within the page management in the WordPress Admin system. The main page or home page is often a blog page that collects and organizes articles by date. Many people want a static page so they can customize it.

To set a static homepage, create a page and go to Settings > Reading in your admin panel, then select the created page as the static homepage.

wordpress homepage setting

Problems & solutions: Texts & Pages

The whitespace between my lines disappears after saving my page, why does my “enter” formatting disappear?

This is a typical problem that every blogger and website administrator experiences. It happens because there is a self-protection mechanism within the system that encourages you to use the formatting that the internet prefers. This means using titles and other formatting instead of line breaks. You can solve this by installing the Tiny MCE Advanced Editor plugin and indicating in its settings that WordPress should stop removing breaks and paragraph spaces. However, sometimes you might still need to style the spaces between paragraphs. You can do this by going to the CSS and modifying or creating the p { tag with a Margin-bottom: 10px; attribute. Padding-bottom can also be used if margins don’t work within your theme.

Why are the images in my articles/posts not visible after uploading?

“I can’t add images to my articles; after uploading, the image does not appear, or I see a red cross in Internet Explorer.” This is a common issue and relatively easy to fix. It is related to the missing “uploads” folder or the missing write permissions. First, check if the uploads folder exists: ROOT>wp-content>”uploads”. If the uploads folder is not present, create it manually using an FTP program. If the uploads folder is already there, right-click on the folder and choose “CHMOD or WRITE PERMISSIONS” and set it to 777. It may be set to 664, causing image uploads to fail.

Problems & solutions: Themes

WordPress is a unique system that generates many different pages with a standard set of PHP theme files. The graphic files that provide the output for text and information are summarized in a “theme” folder. The key files you need or want to edit when making changes to a website are:

  1. Header.php: Contains the doctype declaration, meta tags, and pre-Javascript/jQuery code. It also includes visual elements of the website, such as the navigation menu, logo, and sometimes a slogan (H1).
  2. Page.php: Generates the overall page by calling the header.php and footer.php. This file serves as the basis for pages after the index/home page. It retrieves the content, sidebar, etc., for each page.
  3. Style.css: Contains the stylesheet, with all the formatting, colors, fonts, and dimensions.
  4. Index.php: Similar to page.php, but used to generate only one page—the homepage. Often, it differs from page.php by displaying different information in the sidebar or showing summaries of the latest posts.

Problems & solutions: Admin

My admin is not accessible anymore?

If you see a white page or an error, you can sometimes get more information by setting the debug_mode to TRUE in your wp-config.php file, as it will display more complete error messages, allowing you to identify which file or plugin is causing the issue.

Admin not accessible after updating plugins: It often happens that a plugin causes errors after an update. In this case, you can deactivate the specific plugins that you updated via FTP by changing the folder name. After that, the admin panel should work again.

Admin not accessible after updating WordPress: WordPress updates don’t always go smoothly, and if files are not fully replaced during the update, your website may encounter errors. In this case, manually upload the new WordPress update to the server (make a complete backup of all files and the database before proceeding). You should upload the following folders:
– wp-includes
– wp-admin <- Especially this one!
And the base files from a new WordPress download.

Note: You should NOT overwrite some files and folders, such as Htaccess, wp-config.php, and the wp-content folder, as they contain unique information not present in your new WordPress installation.

Problems & solutions: I have been hacked

If your website contains unwanted ads or sends spam, you are likely hacked—usually not by a person but by an automated script. In that case, you can contact us or directly request a restoration & security to resolve the issue.

As the Dutch saying goes, “Prevention is better than cure.” Therefore, we recommend installing a preventive security plugin for WordPress.

Hacked website? Here’s how to fix it!

When you have a hacked website, you naturally want to restore it to a good state as quickly as possible. For businesses, the costs of a defective website can quickly add up, but even as a blog owner, you wouldn’t want your reputation on Google to be affected! A hacked website results in Google ranking you lower, provided that it is not restored within a reasonable time. This is to protect visitors and because Google only displays good sites in its search results.

Several ways to restore the hacked website

There are many ways to achieve the same goal, and this applies to restoring your hacked website. We will describe some ways to restore your hacked website:

But first: make a complete backup of your hacked website and don’t forget to save the database!

1. A relatively easy way to temporarily restore the hacked website

You can ask many hosting providers to restore a backup from before the website was hacked. You must specify the date and time, for example, from 7 or more days ago. (This may incur costs) Therefore, it may be better if you have the ability to create and restore backups yourself.
Be aware that you may lose recent updates or pages.

After the restoration, quickly secure your website to prevent immediate re-hacking!

After restoring the backup, you may have a website that is free from the hacks and modifications caused by the hacker/hack script. However, as you can imagine, this is temporary, and the website is often hacked by automated scripts 9/10 times, and they may visit your website again. Therefore, secure your website so that it does not encounter problems again.

2. If you can program, you can correct the modified files

As a programmer, you can locate and modify or remove the altered code (hacks). Please note that this is not easy, as hackers or scripts often make many hacks, backdoors, and modifications once they have entered your website.

A tip: to find the hacked files, you can use an FTP program like Filezilla and check the modification date of the files. The date of the hacked files often stands out as the only one different from all the other dates.

After the restoration, quickly secure your website to prevent immediate re-hacking! A clean website is not a secure website, as you may have already experienced.

3. Have your hacked website professionally restored

WPbeveiligen uses the knowledge and experience built since 2007 as a web host and programmer to restore your website to its correct state as quickly as possible. We can also create backups of files and restore the website with minimal data loss.

Click here to have WPbeveiligen restore your hacked website (and secure it immediately)

If you let WPbeveiligen restore your website, you can be sure that the hacked files are gone. We work thoroughly following a proven pattern that has been tested for years. We also perform post-checks and provide standard guarantees.


CMS, CRM, DMS, ERP? What are they!

CMS – Content Management System

1358956833_TextDocument The most well-known is CMS, the Content Management System. This manages content such as text, images, and more. A CMS like WordPress is free to use and makes online publishing of news easy. With a few clicks and a Word-like editor, you can write news that the CMS places on the server and makes visible online.

The benefits of CMS:

1. Easy creation of new content.
2. Structuring the content layout.
3. Updating and populating from any location and PC.

DMS – Document Management System

1358956801_kde-document-open DMS should not be confused with CMS. It stands for Document Management System and is intended for managing documents. It is especially effective for large companies with many employees who want to share information without having to manually pass it on through copies via email or prints.

Advantages of DMS:

1. Easily finding documents.
2. Reading various file formats.
3. Sharing and archiving documents.
4. Linking documents.

CRM – Customer Relation Management

1358956865_users For managing your customers, you have CRM. Customer Relation Management helps you build a relationship with your customers and generate more satisfaction, ultimately aiming to retain customers longer and generate more revenue. Having a clear management system is beneficial both for your customers and yourself, so that you don’t lose track of your customers.

Benefits of CRM:

1. Can generate more customer satisfaction.
2. Can build longer customer relationships.
3. Builds a better reputation resulting in positive publicity.

ERP – Enterprise Resource Planning

1358956888_task_completed For registering company data, you have ERP. It stands for Enterprise Resource Planning.
It involves centralizing company data that is often entered by different departments. For example, the sales department enters customer data, data like quotes and sales orders. The logistics department will enter material data such as quantities and suppliers. To avoid entering all this information multiple times by different departments and make it available everywhere, you need ERP.

Benefits of ERP:

1. Clear overview of project status.
2. Standardization for data input and extraction.
3. Working faster and more efficiently results in more income and fewer expenses.