Most common WordPress problems and the solutions!

WordPress is a good Content Management System (CMS) with many possibilities. With plugins, you can make your website as extensive as you want.

However, it often happens that the codes of plugins clash with each other or stop working after an update. Programmers do not always coordinate the plugins with each other, which means that each plugin loads its own jQuery Library or may use the same function names.

You might think that your website is hacked, but that may not be the case at all.

Various problems can arise, so we have described the most common questions and problems along with their solutions.

Problems & solutions: Installation

I need to fill in database details, what are they?

Database details during installation are used to give WordPress access to the MySQL database.

The database stores most settings, including:

  1. The text of pages and posts.
  2. The settings of plugins and your theme.
  3. The users

You might have received the MySQL database details from your hosting provider when you received the information about your hosting package.

Alternatively, you may need to create the database yourself, which can often be done through the panel of your hosting provider or via Cpanel or DirectAdmin.

The database details themselves are self-explanatory. You have a database name, a user/username (of which you can create multiple within a database), and a password. Additionally, there’s the table prefix like WP_ (it’s recommended to change the default wp_ prefix to a unique prefix for security reasons!).

Where are my pages, and how do I set a static page as the homepage?

You need to create pages after installation.
Don’t worry; you don’t need to upload pages anymore—that’s the advantage of a CMS!
You can create new pages with just a few clicks within the page management in the WordPress Admin system. The main page or home page is often a blog page that collects and organizes articles by date. Many people want a static page so they can customize it.

To set a static homepage, create a page and go to Settings > Reading in your admin panel, then select the created page as the static homepage.

wordpress homepage setting

Problems & solutions: Texts & Pages

The whitespace between my lines disappears after saving my page, why does my “enter” formatting disappear?

This is a typical problem that every blogger and website administrator experiences. It happens because there is a self-protection mechanism within the system that encourages you to use the formatting that the internet prefers. This means using titles and other formatting instead of line breaks. You can solve this by installing the Tiny MCE Advanced Editor plugin and indicating in its settings that WordPress should stop removing breaks and paragraph spaces. However, sometimes you might still need to style the spaces between paragraphs. You can do this by going to the CSS and modifying or creating the p { tag with a Margin-bottom: 10px; attribute. Padding-bottom can also be used if margins don’t work within your theme.

Why are the images in my articles/posts not visible after uploading?

“I can’t add images to my articles; after uploading, the image does not appear, or I see a red cross in Internet Explorer.” This is a common issue and relatively easy to fix. It is related to the missing “uploads” folder or the missing write permissions. First, check if the uploads folder exists: ROOT>wp-content>”uploads”. If the uploads folder is not present, create it manually using an FTP program. If the uploads folder is already there, right-click on the folder and choose “CHMOD or WRITE PERMISSIONS” and set it to 777. It may be set to 664, causing image uploads to fail.

Problems & solutions: Themes

WordPress is a unique system that generates many different pages with a standard set of PHP theme files. The graphic files that provide the output for text and information are summarized in a “theme” folder. The key files you need or want to edit when making changes to a website are:

  1. Header.php: Contains the doctype declaration, meta tags, and pre-Javascript/jQuery code. It also includes visual elements of the website, such as the navigation menu, logo, and sometimes a slogan (H1).
  2. Page.php: Generates the overall page by calling the header.php and footer.php. This file serves as the basis for pages after the index/home page. It retrieves the content, sidebar, etc., for each page.
  3. Style.css: Contains the stylesheet, with all the formatting, colors, fonts, and dimensions.
  4. Index.php: Similar to page.php, but used to generate only one page—the homepage. Often, it differs from page.php by displaying different information in the sidebar or showing summaries of the latest posts.

Problems & solutions: Admin

My admin is not accessible anymore?

If you see a white page or an error, you can sometimes get more information by setting the debug_mode to TRUE in your wp-config.php file, as it will display more complete error messages, allowing you to identify which file or plugin is causing the issue.

Admin not accessible after updating plugins: It often happens that a plugin causes errors after an update. In this case, you can deactivate the specific plugins that you updated via FTP by changing the folder name. After that, the admin panel should work again.

Admin not accessible after updating WordPress: WordPress updates don’t always go smoothly, and if files are not fully replaced during the update, your website may encounter errors. In this case, manually upload the new WordPress update to the server (make a complete backup of all files and the database before proceeding). You should upload the following folders:
– wp-includes
– wp-admin <- Especially this one!
And the base files from a new WordPress download.

Note: You should NOT overwrite some files and folders, such as Htaccess, wp-config.php, and the wp-content folder, as they contain unique information not present in your new WordPress installation.

Problems & solutions: I have been hacked

If your website contains unwanted ads or sends spam, you are likely hacked—usually not by a person but by an automated script. In that case, you can contact us or directly request a restoration & security to resolve the issue.

As the Dutch saying goes, “Prevention is better than cure.” Therefore, we recommend installing a preventive security plugin for WordPress.

Hacked website? Here’s how to fix it!

When you have a hacked website, you naturally want to restore it to a good state as quickly as possible. For businesses, the costs of a defective website can quickly add up, but even as a blog owner, you wouldn’t want your reputation on Google to be affected! A hacked website results in Google ranking you lower, provided that it is not restored within a reasonable time. This is to protect visitors and because Google only displays good sites in its search results.

Several ways to restore the hacked website

There are many ways to achieve the same goal, and this applies to restoring your hacked website. We will describe some ways to restore your hacked website:

But first: make a complete backup of your hacked website and don’t forget to save the database!

1. A relatively easy way to temporarily restore the hacked website

You can ask many hosting providers to restore a backup from before the website was hacked. You must specify the date and time, for example, from 7 or more days ago. (This may incur costs) Therefore, it may be better if you have the ability to create and restore backups yourself.
Be aware that you may lose recent updates or pages.

After the restoration, quickly secure your website to prevent immediate re-hacking!

After restoring the backup, you may have a website that is free from the hacks and modifications caused by the hacker/hack script. However, as you can imagine, this is temporary, and the website is often hacked by automated scripts 9/10 times, and they may visit your website again. Therefore, secure your website so that it does not encounter problems again.

2. If you can program, you can correct the modified files

As a programmer, you can locate and modify or remove the altered code (hacks). Please note that this is not easy, as hackers or scripts often make many hacks, backdoors, and modifications once they have entered your website.

A tip: to find the hacked files, you can use an FTP program like Filezilla and check the modification date of the files. The date of the hacked files often stands out as the only one different from all the other dates.

After the restoration, quickly secure your website to prevent immediate re-hacking! A clean website is not a secure website, as you may have already experienced.

3. Have your hacked website professionally restored

WPbeveiligen uses the knowledge and experience built since 2007 as a web host and programmer to restore your website to its correct state as quickly as possible. We can also create backups of files and restore the website with minimal data loss.

Click here to have WPbeveiligen restore your hacked website (and secure it immediately)

If you let WPbeveiligen restore your website, you can be sure that the hacked files are gone. We work thoroughly following a proven pattern that has been tested for years. We also perform post-checks and provide standard guarantees.


WordPress admin no longer works, the solution!

We receive many messages stating that the WordPress admin panel is not working. One common description is a white page displaying in the admin panel. Unfortunately, this issue can also affect the entire website, making it inaccessible.

There are several possible problems that can cause your WordPress admin panel or website to become inaccessible.

We will discuss some common issues and provide the corresponding solutions:

1. Admin problem caused by Plugins

Errors such as “the white page” or “headers already sent” are often caused by plugins. This can happen if the plugins are poorly coded or if they are no longer compatible with your latest WordPress update.

Possible Solution:

To identify the problematic plugin, you will need to disable them one by one. This can be done if you can still access the plugin page in your admin.

If you can’t access the admin, use FTP software like Filezilla to navigate to the directory: httpdocs > wp-content > plugins.

Temporarily remove all plugins from the directory or only the one you suspect is causing the issue. With the plugin removed from the directory, it will be deactivated, and your WordPress admin should be accessible again. Afterward, you can place the plugins back in the folder. Some plugins may need to be reconfigured after this process.

2. Admin problem after changing the theme

The theme is somewhat separate from the WordPress admin. Therefore, making changes in the theme files usually won’t directly affect the admin. However, there’s one file you need to be careful with, which is the Functions.php file. A code error in this file can render your entire admin inaccessible.

Possible Solution:

If you made changes to the Functions.php file and now experience issues, you can access it via FTP in the httpdocs > wp-content > themes directory. You can try replacing the Functions.php with a correct version if you have a backup or restore the section you were working on in the text editor. It’s preferable to use Notepad++ for this, as it indicates syntax elements with colors and helps spot syntax errors.

3. Admin problem after installation

If you encounter an error immediately after installation instead of the regular wp-admin login page:

  • Check if the database is connected since WordPress runs on MySql.
  • Download WordPress again and manually upload it to ensure that all files are properly transferred to the server.
  • Verify if your hosting server is up-to-date. It’s essential that they have the latest PHP and MySql versions and the mod_rewrite Apache module.
  • Try accessing your admin from another computer or using a different browser. Also, clear your browser’s history (cache) to avoid loading an old page.

If you’re still facing issues…

We have been working with WordPress since 2007 and can help you resolve any issues. It may take 30-60 minutes, but we’ll get your WordPress up and running again in no time!

Contact us if you’d like us to assist you – The average cost is around 25-45 euros, and it’s a no-cure-no-pay service!

Why would a hacker have hacked my website?

Why Would a Hacker Hack My Website?

The question of why a hacker would target your website is something many people wonder about. The belief that hackers only target large websites or ones where there is money to be gained is outdated.

Hackers use websites to set up fake online banking pages where inexperienced computer users may unknowingly enter their personal information.

This fake website operates in the background, without you having any idea. For example, if you have a website called, the hackers might create a folder or just a few files so that you get: or worse:

Who Falls for This?

You might wonder, who falls for this kind of deception? Well, you might be underestimating the knowledge that hackers possess. They know how to make that fake bank page appear on your server’s Google search results. So when someone Googles ING or Rabobank, they end up on the hackers’ part of your website, where the bank’s website has been copied so convincingly that it’s nearly impossible to tell the difference between the genuine bank site and the fake one. (See example image below)

Hackers can also send emails from your website with messages like: “Your bank account has been compromised, click here to secure it now!” And yes, some people do click on the link to “prevent” their supposedly hacked account from being misused.

The purpose of these fake bank sites is not to be selective but to send mass emails through your expensive hosting package using your domain. They hope that 1 in 1000 people will actually fall for the scam and enter their details.

To clarify, a legitimate bank will never ask for your PIN code, and they will never handle important matters via email. Most banking matters require written communication.

Can You Spot the Difference?

If you still think you can easily distinguish between a real and a fake bank page, take a look at the example below. Do you see the differences? I made 3 changes to the right variant. Would you have noticed them if I hadn’t mentioned that there are differences? Did you spot them?


  1. The lion image is reversed. Fake emails or websites often have logos that are different or out of proportion.
  2. It says “Zoutzak” instead of “Zakelijk”.
  3. Under the login, there is a different text: “Net echt he?” (which means “Looks real, right?”)

Illustration of the Reality

Imagine that a criminal hacker enters your home or store through the backdoor and tells every visitor that he is an employee of the bank and they can withdraw money from him.

However, when they try to make a transaction, he informs them that the transaction failed and blames their bank card or information. While they are distracted, he uses their information to withdraw money for himself.

That’s a brief explanation of how internet criminals operate. The worst part is that he was in your home or store (your hobby website or webshop), and the victims turn to you with the problem that their money was stolen. The criminal often remains out of reach.

In short: whether you’re from a local knitting club or a website selling electronics, hackers won’t be selective.

These hackers use scripts to test website inputs, and when they find one, they set up their fake bank on your web address.

How Can You Secure Your Website?

To ensure your website’s security, follow these steps:

  1. Set most files’ permissions to read-only (CHMOD 775/755 or even 444 for Htaccess/wp-config.php).
  2. Don’t display CMS version and type numbers on the website or in the source code.
  3. Use long and varied passwords.
  4. Install a good WordPress security plugin.
  5. Be cautious when using plugins made by third parties.
  6. Regularly back up your website.
  7. Sign up for Google Webmaster Tools and perform regular checks.
  8. Perhaps the best tip: have an experienced programmer secure your WordPress website.


take risks, let a professional secure your WordPress website!

Help! My WordPress admin is not accessible

Issues with WordPress Admin and Possible Solutions

WordPress users often encounter problems with their admin area, especially after updates or activating plugins or themes. If you face such issues, here are some common problems and possible solutions if you want to fix the website on your own.

If Your Admin Is Not Accessible After Activating a Plugin:

Sometimes, plugins can cause issues when they conflict with other components, resulting in a white screen or an unresponsive admin area. If you can’t deactivate the plugin normally, follow this possible solution:

Possible Solution: Use an FTP editor like Filezilla to navigate to the “Plugins” folder (wp-content > plugins). Rename the recently activated plugin folder. This will automatically deactivate the plugin.

If Your Admin Stops Working After a WordPress Update:

Always create a complete data backup before updating!

WordPress updates can sometimes lead to an inaccessible admin area. This may be due to a conflicting plugin that can’t handle the latest update, or the update itself might not have been applied correctly, causing missing code or files.

Possible Solution: Use an FTP editor like Filezilla to manually upload the WordPress core files to the server. Update the following folders: wp-admin, wp-includes, and the root files. However, avoid overwriting the wp-config file, theme, and plugin folders. Refer to the image below to see which files to keep and which ones to update.

Do not overwrite these files: wp-content (contains plugins and themes), wp-config.php (contains database connection information), and .htaccess (contains permalink structure).

Overwrite the other files with those from a new WordPress release.

wordpress important files

If your website still doesn’t work after manually updating the files, it might be necessary to revert to an older version of WordPress. This is not an ideal solution but could be necessary for plugins with outdated code.

Remember, it’s always best to keep your WordPress installation, plugins, and themes up to date to minimize the chances of encountering such issues. If you are unsure or find the process too complex, seeking professional assistance is recommended to ensure a smooth and secure website.

WordPress help – What if your WordPress website has been hacked?

What are possible indications that your WordPress website is hacked?

  1. If the website loads very slowly for days/months, your WordPress website may be hacked. (Test the speed: Speedtest)
  2. If your WordPress website unexpectedly redirects you to an unknown website.
  3. When your hosting provider takes your WordPress website offline due to spamming.
  4. If the visitor results in analytics show large numbers of visitors from countries like China, while the website is in Dutch.
  5. If the website no longer appears without any modifications or updates being made.

What happens when your WordPress website is hacked?

If your WordPress website is hacked, a script has found an unsecured opening through which it can modify or place files on the server.

Since WordPress is open source, scriptwriters can look for vulnerabilities and exploit them.

These vulnerabilities can be found in plugins, themes, or WordPress files themselves.

Note! The scripts made to test WordPress websites for vulnerabilities are automated. They are written by people all over the world, with the aim of advertising their own websites or products to a large number of websites.

The snowball effect of a hack

A PHP file written to hack WordPress websites can simply be placed on a server by someone unknown and will spread itself.

It starts with one website, the snowball, and once it starts rolling and spreading to multiple websites (i.e., servers), it multiplies the reach of the hack. Ultimately, you end up with an avalanche of scripts that test and infect websites.

All these scripts send requests to the website (and thus the server), causing files to be requested so often that even a well-secured website becomes slow due to the influx of requests.

Who writes hack scripts/viruses?

The authors of the scripts can be teenagers looking to get rich quick at the expense of others, or “poor but brilliant programmers” in countries where there may be no work. They sit at home and can set up this cybercrime relatively anonymously. They may have never hacked a WordPress website of someone they know and often see it as innocent “entertainment” or a financial necessity, not considering themselves cybercriminals but rather creators of “something big” that is successful.

What can you do against these scripts/viruses if your website is hacked?

You can look for and remove them, but always make sure to create a backup of the website before deleting any files.

The files that a script has placed are often cleverly hidden, sometimes up to three directory structures deep. Think of locations such as httpdocs/wp-content/plugins/the-plugin/incl/

The names of the files often change, making it difficult for server software to recognize them. Some examples I often encounter on hacked websites:

  • Object.php
  • Incl.php
  • Article.php
  • Index.html

But they can also use randomly generated numbers or letters at the time of infection.

Then you get changing filenames like:

  • 15738.php
  • rfjrjgh.php

Due to the changing filenames, the server security cannot add them to their database as a recognition point.

Can the server detect and remove hack files based on their content?

The server cannot differentiate between plugins that are allowed to send emails, such as Contact Form 7, and a script designed to send spam. Even if it detects a potentially dangerous function, it will not block its functioning.

Is a security plugin enough to prevent a hack?

A plugin developed to secure WordPress reduces the chances of scripts gaining access to your website.

These plugins set write permissions correctly and adjust the standard WordPress values that are most commonly used by scripts and hackers. iThemes Security PRO NL even sends you an email when files are unexpectedly modified, indicating that a script is active on the server.

Security plugins like iThemes Security PRO NL block most scripts. However, well-crafted scripts, coded by an intelligent team, can still find ways to access the server or the database.

What is the next step after removing the hack scripts from the website/server?

Removing the files is only resolving the consequence; the cause and vulnerability still exist in the website, and your WordPress needs to be secured to prevent a recurrence.

You can read more tips on how to secure WordPress on my website

And you can choose a security package where we remove infected files, secure the website, and you can opt for 3-6-12 months of additional warranty.

What is hackers code

Base64 encoding is a technique used to convert code, such as PHP, into a line of numbers, letters, and characters. It was initially used in the mid-2000s to make a piece of copyright code unrecognizable or to prevent easy modifications. However, nowadays, Base64 is often used to obfuscate malicious code and hide it within websites. The encoded code remains unreadable until it is executed, becoming active once executed.

Free online Base64 encoders are available that can help execute or reveal the encoded code. As an example, I have taken the following code and run it through the encoder:


The encoded version looks like this:


As you can see, the encoded version is not easily recognizable, but it can be decoded back into its original form.

If your website contains Base64-encoded code, you may not notice it immediately. Such scripts are often written to operate stealthily, avoiding detection to remain active for as long as possible. The code can find its way into your website through vulnerabilities, not only as complete files but also as small lines in your index.php, header.php, and other files.

It is crucial to find and remove all instances of such code. A single line of code could serve as a backdoor and reintroduce the codes even after you have removed them.

**Prevention is better than cure.** To prevent scripts from adding code to your website, ensure that files are not writable where they shouldn’t be. Keep your plugins up to date as outdated plugins are often exploited by hackers to gain access to websites.

If you find Base64-encoded code in your website’s theme, plugins, or uploads directory, it is highly likely that your website has a vulnerability. In such cases, it’s essential to seek professional help to remove the malicious code and secure your website. You can contact WPbeveiligen to assist you in this process.

The backup – a silent lifesaver

**Before you know it, you’ve invested a significant number of hours into your website.** Writing a post over the weekend, updating on Monday, uploading photos on Wednesday, and sharing pages on Facebook and LinkedIn… Before you know it, you’ve spent about 100 hours working on your website. And your website is getting a decent amount of visitors!

And then, one day, you visit your website and see nothing but a piece of code indicating that your website has been hacked, and the data has been wiped from the database… Pages are gone! Visitors who were directed to those pages via Google, social media, and other websites are gone too.

Only when your data is gone, you realize how much you’ve lost. And you think, “If only I had a backup!”

**What is a backup?**

A backup is a copy of all your files on the server that you can restore in case something happens to your files in the future. And with a WordPress website, you need to ensure that you include the database in the backup because it’s not among the standard data!

**So, which files should you include in the backup?**

It’s mainly about the database. WordPress stores all text for posts and pages and the settings of your theme + plugins in the database.

After the database, it’s essential to secure the data, the images, the theme, and the plugins you use. You can find these in the wp-content folder on the server.

**How often should I make a backup?**

It is advisable to do this at least once a month so that you don’t lose too much data after a hack.

**How do I make a backup of the website?**

There are several ways to do this. If you have little experience with the server or FTP, the easiest method is to install a plugin that creates backups for you.

Plugins like IThemes Security, BackWPup, and various others do this in different ways.

**Make sure to configure the plugin properly** before relying on it for backups. There are usually various options to download the backup or store it in another location. Don’t store the backup among regular data (uploads map) because it may also get damaged during a server hack.

**If you’re handy with FTP, etc.**

If you are familiar with FTP, you can also manually copy the files to your computer using Filezilla or other software. Take at least the wp-content folder, but preferably the entire WordPress installation, including the main folder where important files like the .htaccess and wp-config are located.

For the database, you can often access it via phpMyAdmin, which is a management tool for the database available at most hosting providers. Go to the correct database and click on the “Export” tab in phpMyAdmin and download an SQL file or a zipped database.

**Does WPbeveiligen back up websites?**

Yes, the server automatically creates a backup every 7 days. And regularly, a backup is stored separately as the weekly backups are overwritten every week. WPbeveiligen has been hosting websites for years and knows how important it is to keep a backup. If you contact them, you can also request a customized hosting package.

My WordPress website is sending spam, now what?

If you receive a notification from your hosting provider or Google indicating that your website is sending spam, it means that your website has been infected with a file that is sending unauthorized emails to a list of addresses. This can lead to your website being blacklisted, and all email communication from your IP address might be blocked, causing significant issues, especially if you use your email for business purposes.

To address the issue and prevent further spamming, follow these steps:

1. **Check if you are on a blacklist**: You can use websites like `` to check if your IP address is blacklisted. This will give you an indication if your email communications are affected.

2. **Identify and remove the spam file**: To find and remove the spam file, you need some background knowledge. Spam files are usually PHP scripts and are often encoded using `eval` or `base64`, making them difficult to recognize when opened in a code editor. Compare your current website files to a fresh WordPress installation to identify suspicious files. Look for files with unusual names or those added at a different time than the rest of your files.

3. **Fix the root cause**: Simply removing the spam file is not enough. You need to address the vulnerability that allowed the spam script to be uploaded to your server in the first place. Common ways spam scripts are uploaded include exploiting vulnerabilities in plugins, injections, or FTP access. Take steps to secure your WordPress website, such as updating plugins, using strong passwords, and following best security practices.

4. **Request de-listing**: Once you are confident that the spam file is removed and your website is secure, you can request de-listing from the blacklist. The de-listing process may take a few hours.

5. **Prevent future spam**: Implement security measures to prevent future spam attacks. Enhance your WordPress website security by following best practices and avoiding common security pitfalls.

Remember that maintaining the security of your WordPress website is an ongoing process. Regularly update plugins, themes, and WordPress core to patch vulnerabilities and regularly perform security checks to ensure your website remains secure and spam-free.

Why you don’t get rid of a WordPress hack easily

Hackers are very creative in creating scripts that are not recognized by the server, WordPress, or security plugins like WordFence & Ithemes security.
A hacker writes such scripts to use your website to advertise his own website where he displays sponsored ads or sells products.

There are several ways hackers can use your website to achieve this. As you read this article, you’ll understand why using a security plugin to scan your website is not enough to get rid of a hack.

WordPress hack 1: the cookie method

Using a cookie, the hack script is only loaded once per user. Due to this one-time activation, website owners may assume the hack is gone, if they even noticed it in the first place. The script is also programmed to be active only when a specific user agent is indicated. As a result, the server will not encounter the active script if the user agent is not detected as Chrome or mobile.

WordPress hack 2: the base64/eval method

The code is written in encoded PHP language, making it difficult for various scanners to detect which functions are being executed in a PHP file. The code is made up of numbers and letters, making it challenging to trace the source using a regular search & replace.


Example of a piece of Base64 code

WordPress hack 3: the admin method

As a website owner, if you are logged in to the admin panel of WordPress, the hack is designed to disable itself when an administrator is logged in. This makes security scanners less effective or even completely ineffective.

WordPress hack 4: the iframe method

By using a simple line of code, a dynamic iframe can be loaded, allowing later pages to be called up with it. Since this is done via JavaScript, the code does not appear in the visible output of the source code.

To make matters worse, it is often designed to consider the host user, so not every browser will display the iframe.

By using inline code, the iframe is hidden from view.

WordPress hack 5: The Htaccess method

You could easily overlook this. In your root, you have the Htaccess file, which can redirect the browser to other pages. The trick that is often used is redirecting only Android devices to a domain where a file runs that redirects to another website from a list of malware sites at each visit. On a PC, you won’t see it, and you won’t be redirected.

In addition to these 5 methods we just discussed, there are many more possibilities that servers allow to redirect visitors to malicious websites. These methods are unknown to the regular programmer, and that’s why getting rid of a hack is not so straightforward.

As a WordPress website security specialist, I have seen a great number of tricks, and when the regular cleanup techniques such as thorough searching, updating, removing, and scanning do not yield results, it’s time to check the high-tech tricks.

To save yourself some sleepless nights and days of research, you can always contact WPbeveiligen.

With standard warranty and the possibility to extend WPbeveiligen’s service to a guarantee of 3, 6, or 12 months, you can be sure to have a secure website without having to have all the knowledge to preventively and actively block hackers and virus scripts.