Protecting a page with password in WordPress

WordPress has a built-in feature that allows you to protect pages and posts with a password. You can set a unique password for each page or post.

Step 1: In your page or post, click on “Visibility: Edit” in the publish block.

Set password WordPress

Step 2: Select “Password protected” and enter your desired password.

Set password

Step 3: Publish the changes.

Publish changes WordPress


After these steps, you will see a password field on the page or post where you have set it.

Protect WordPress page

Simple, right?

Hide more than just the content?

With this function, WordPress only protects the content that is loaded with wp_content(), but not the custom fields that you have programmed in a page template or extra content areas via the Secondary content plugin.

If you also want to hide these, you can add this code to the template to hide that info:

<?php if ( !post_password_required() ) { ?>
This will also be hidden now!
<?php } ?>

WordPress for business: the advantages and disadvantages

WordPress for Businesses: Pros and Cons

When setting up a business website, you have various options. You can choose to hire a programmer-designer to develop a website with management capabilities, or you can opt for a WordPress website.

WordPress is currently the most popular Content Management System, and more and more entrepreneurs choose it for their business websites. So, what are the pros and cons of using WordPress for business websites?

The Advantages of WordPress for Businesses

There are several advantages of using WordPress for business websites:

  1. User-friendly: WordPress is easy to use for both beginners and experienced users, allowing them to develop beautiful websites.
  2. Continuous Development: WordPress receives an average of eight updates per year, ensuring continuous improvement and enhancement of the CMS.
  3. Abundance of Features: There are more than 40,000 plugins available for WordPress, offering limitless possibilities to customize and optimize your website according to your needs.
  4. SEO-Friendly: WordPress is designed with SEO in mind, providing many opportunities for search engine optimization and enabling your website to be well-ranked on Google.
  5. Cost-Effective: WordPress is open-source, which means you don’t need to pay for the system’s development. You may only need to pay for designing your WordPress website, or even nothing if you decide to do it yourself.

As you can see, WordPress for businesses offers various advantages. It is no wonder that WordPress is the most popular CMS today, as it is a user-friendly and cost-effective system that continually evolves, providing a plethora of functionalities while prioritizing search engine optimization.

The Disadvantages of WordPress for Businesses

Unfortunately, there are also some disadvantages associated with using WordPress for businesses. The main drawback is the issue of security. This is due to several factors:

  1. Open Source Code: WordPress has open-source code, which means anyone can access the code. Unfortunately, some individuals misuse this information for malicious purposes, leading to potential security vulnerabilities.
  2. Plugin Vulnerabilities: Although plugins provide extensive functionalities, some plugins may not be secure. Many plugins are infected with viruses or provide easy access to hackers.
  3. Lack of Security Guidance: While WordPress offers features to enhance website security, many users lack the knowledge of how to properly secure their websites. As a result, many WordPress websites become vulnerable to hacking.

To mitigate the security risks, users of WordPress should actively take measures to improve website security or seek professional help, such as WordPress website security services. Unfortunately, due to a lack of security knowledge among many users, WordPress websites often become susceptible to viruses and hacker attacks, which is the main disadvantage of using WordPress for businesses.


Using WordPress offers various benefits, such as user-friendliness, continuous development, extensive functionalities through plugins, SEO support, and cost-effectiveness. However, the main drawback is WordPress’s susceptibility to security risks. To avoid encountering viruses and hackers, WordPress users must take specific actions to enhance their website’s security or enlist professional assistance. Many WordPress users often face security challenges due to their lack of knowledge about the necessary security measures.

If you are still unsure about using WordPress, consider comparing your options before making a decision.

Is WordPress security a job for the hosting provider?

A WordPress website that is not properly secured and therefore gets hacked can cause problems on the server.

  1. The site starts sending spam.
  2. The site consumes all resources of the server.
  3. The server’s IP gets blacklisted.

These are issues that cannot be prevented by the hosting provider. They can, however, limit the consequences by taking your website offline until it is made hack-free.

You would expect the hosting provider to be able to solve these problems by securing certain aspects “better,” right?

However, this is not possible. Your WordPress website requires certain permissions on the server to function properly. For example, it needs the right to upload files to the media library.
The server will not prevent this, and even though the server scans files, it cannot detect whether a file is harmful or not due to the thousands of variations of virus scripts.

If your website gets blacklisted, more websites are affected

The server has only one IP address per server/VPS (computer). When a website starts sending spam, that server with that IP address can end up on the blacklist. As a result, outgoing mails are no longer allowed by other hosting companies, internet providers, and email providers who want to protect their server and customers from an abundance of spam.


It is up to you to make your WordPress website secure so that hack scripts cannot place harmful files on the server through vulnerabilities in your WordPress website or plugins.

You can learn how to achieve this here.

What is hackers code

Base64 encoding is a technique used to convert code, such as PHP, into a line of numbers, letters, and characters. It was initially used in the mid-2000s to make a piece of copyright code unrecognizable or to prevent easy modifications. However, nowadays, Base64 is often used to obfuscate malicious code and hide it within websites. The encoded code remains unreadable until it is executed, becoming active once executed.

Free online Base64 encoders are available that can help execute or reveal the encoded code. As an example, I have taken the following code and run it through the encoder:


The encoded version looks like this:


As you can see, the encoded version is not easily recognizable, but it can be decoded back into its original form.

If your website contains Base64-encoded code, you may not notice it immediately. Such scripts are often written to operate stealthily, avoiding detection to remain active for as long as possible. The code can find its way into your website through vulnerabilities, not only as complete files but also as small lines in your index.php, header.php, and other files.

It is crucial to find and remove all instances of such code. A single line of code could serve as a backdoor and reintroduce the codes even after you have removed them.

**Prevention is better than cure.** To prevent scripts from adding code to your website, ensure that files are not writable where they shouldn’t be. Keep your plugins up to date as outdated plugins are often exploited by hackers to gain access to websites.

If you find Base64-encoded code in your website’s theme, plugins, or uploads directory, it is highly likely that your website has a vulnerability. In such cases, it’s essential to seek professional help to remove the malicious code and secure your website. You can contact WPbeveiligen to assist you in this process.

The backup – a silent lifesaver

**Before you know it, you’ve invested a significant number of hours into your website.** Writing a post over the weekend, updating on Monday, uploading photos on Wednesday, and sharing pages on Facebook and LinkedIn… Before you know it, you’ve spent about 100 hours working on your website. And your website is getting a decent amount of visitors!

And then, one day, you visit your website and see nothing but a piece of code indicating that your website has been hacked, and the data has been wiped from the database… Pages are gone! Visitors who were directed to those pages via Google, social media, and other websites are gone too.

Only when your data is gone, you realize how much you’ve lost. And you think, “If only I had a backup!”

**What is a backup?**

A backup is a copy of all your files on the server that you can restore in case something happens to your files in the future. And with a WordPress website, you need to ensure that you include the database in the backup because it’s not among the standard data!

**So, which files should you include in the backup?**

It’s mainly about the database. WordPress stores all text for posts and pages and the settings of your theme + plugins in the database.

After the database, it’s essential to secure the data, the images, the theme, and the plugins you use. You can find these in the wp-content folder on the server.

**How often should I make a backup?**

It is advisable to do this at least once a month so that you don’t lose too much data after a hack.

**How do I make a backup of the website?**

There are several ways to do this. If you have little experience with the server or FTP, the easiest method is to install a plugin that creates backups for you.

Plugins like IThemes Security, BackWPup, and various others do this in different ways.

**Make sure to configure the plugin properly** before relying on it for backups. There are usually various options to download the backup or store it in another location. Don’t store the backup among regular data (uploads map) because it may also get damaged during a server hack.

**If you’re handy with FTP, etc.**

If you are familiar with FTP, you can also manually copy the files to your computer using Filezilla or other software. Take at least the wp-content folder, but preferably the entire WordPress installation, including the main folder where important files like the .htaccess and wp-config are located.

For the database, you can often access it via phpMyAdmin, which is a management tool for the database available at most hosting providers. Go to the correct database and click on the “Export” tab in phpMyAdmin and download an SQL file or a zipped database.

**Does WPbeveiligen back up websites?**

Yes, the server automatically creates a backup every 7 days. And regularly, a backup is stored separately as the weekly backups are overwritten every week. WPbeveiligen has been hosting websites for years and knows how important it is to keep a backup. If you contact them, you can also request a customized hosting package.

WordPress and hackers: how do I improve my WordPress security?

**WordPress and hackers: How do I improve my WordPress security?**

A few years ago, WordPress had a bad reputation. The popular CMS was known for being an insecure platform, allowing hackers to easily infiltrate and damage WordPress websites. While the WordPress security and its image have improved over time, hackers still find ways to breach your WordPress website. In this article, we will explore three essential tips to enhance your website’s security and keep hackers at bay.

**Tip 1: Choose the right hosting**

Ensuring a secure environment for your website begins before you even start building it or creating a WordPress account. The first step to creating a secure website is selecting a trustworthy hosting company that can provide a safe internet environment for your WordPress site. Opting for an unreliable hosting company can put you at a disadvantage right from the start. Therefore, prioritize reliability and reputation over deals when choosing a hosting provider.

**Tip 2: Start off on the right foot**

Once you have found a secure and reputable hosting company, it is crucial to implement good security practices from the beginning. Here are some steps to improve your WordPress security during the setup process:
1. Adjust the Table Prefix: Change the default “_wp” table prefix to something more unique, like “8fjO18fkcJ_.” Hackers are aware of the default prefix, making it easier for them to infiltrate your website if you don’t modify it.
2. Choose a secure username: Never use the default ‘Admin’ username. Instead, opt for a username based on your real name or a nickname that is not easily guessable.
3. Set a strong password: A strong password should contain at least eight characters, including uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters like ! and %.

By modifying the Table Prefix, selecting a unique username, and setting a strong password, you can reduce the risk of hackers easily accessing your WordPress website, thus enhancing your website’s security.

**Tip 3: Choose only reliable plugins and themes**

WordPress offers thousands of plugins and themes, providing users with a wide range of options. However, not all plugins and themes are secure. To prevent your website from becoming more accessible to hackers, it is essential to check the reliability and safety of plugins and themes before installing them. Evaluate their ratings, update frequency, and the quality of the descriptions and installation instructions. If you have doubts about a particular plugin or theme’s reliability, it’s best not to download it to avoid compromising your WordPress security.


To keep hackers from gaining access to your WordPress website and improve its security, take the following actions:
1. Choose a reliable and reputable hosting provider with years of experience.
2. Modify the Table Prefix, change the default ‘Admin’ username, and set a strong password during the initial setup.
3. Install only trustworthy plugins and themes.

By implementing these steps, you can significantly enhance your WordPress security and protect your website from potential hacker attacks.

For reliable hosting with enhanced security, you can trust WPbeveiligen. With experience since 2007, they are not only experts in security but also skilled WordPress website developers.

10 misconceptions about WordPress security

These are some of the most common misconceptions about WordPress security that need to be addressed to stay a step ahead of hackers:

1. My password is unique, so nobody can guess it.

Unfortunately, hacking scripts use dictionary words and variations with numbers and characters to guess passwords, making even creative ones like “Stroopwafel” vulnerable.

2. Frequent updates will keep my website secure.

While updating WordPress regularly is crucial, security vulnerabilities can also exist in plugins, themes, and server settings. Immediate updates might cause conflicts, leading to errors on your website.

3. My competitor hacked my website.

In most cases, hacking scripts are responsible for around 90% of website hacks. These scripts test thousands of websites for vulnerabilities, spreading to new ones upon success.

4. My security plugin protects my website.

Hackers can bypass login panels and gain access to your website through server file vulnerabilities, making security plugins alone insufficient.

5. My hosting provider will notify me if there’s a problem.

When a website is hacked, it can be taken offline immediately to prevent server overload, spamming, and slow performance. Hosting providers may inform you afterward, but by then, your website could already be down.

6. Other CMS systems are more secure.

Other CMS systems may seem less targeted due to lower popularity, but they also face security vulnerabilities.

7. A more expensive hosting provider guarantees better security.

The cost of hosting doesn’t necessarily guarantee expertise in securing specific systems like WordPress.

8. Securing a WordPress website is easy after reading a few articles.

It takes months to learn all the tricks used by hackers, and continuous updates are required as new hacks emerge.

9. Once secured, always secure.

Security measures can protect your website from numerous hacks, but new vulnerabilities may be discovered in the future.

10. I can tell if my website is hacked.

Many hacking scripts operate in the background and can hide their presence. Website defacement or signs of hacking may not always be visible to website owners. Using a malware scanner like Sucuri can help effectively detect malware on your website.

Remember, securing a WordPress website requires continuous vigilance, staying informed about the latest threats, and using reliable security tools. Regular updates, strong passwords, security plugins, and professional support can go a long way in protecting your website from potential threats.

Is your new WordPress website also protected from hackers?

It can be really frustrating to find out that your newly created WordPress website may not be properly secured, despite having it developed by a professional web agency. However, it’s essential to understand that WordPress websites are one of the most targeted platforms for hacking due to their popularity and the use of third-party plugins with potential vulnerabilities.

The fact is, many programmers and website developers may lack the in-depth knowledge needed to secure WordPress correctly. Even after 10 years of developing WordPress websites, I continue to learn about the various hacking methods and scripts circulating from server to server.

The main reason WordPress is vulnerable is because of the numerous plugins and themes developed by individuals with less expertise in security. As an open-source platform, WordPress frequently releases security updates, but plugins developed by individuals who are solely interested in making money without updating their plugins when hacked contribute to WordPress’s instability.

To check if your WordPress website is secure, you can follow some basic steps:

  1. Check the link in the navigation bar of your admin panel. If it still shows, it’s a well-known address for hackers and poses a risk.
  2. Is your login username “admin”? This is another common default username used by hackers for their attempts.
  3. Are you running an outdated version of WordPress?
  4. Does your website have more than 10 plugins? Each additional plugin can potentially introduce a security vulnerability.
  5. Is there no security plugin installed? Lack of security plugins increases your risk.

However, this is just a simple way to assess your website’s security. There are more in-depth methods to ensure proper protection.

If your website gets hacked, even if it’s a simple non-commercial site, it can still be infected with scripts that spread to other websites, causing your hosting provider to take your website offline to prevent further contamination. This can be problematic and costly to restore your website and remove all the backdoors and hacked files.

To secure your WordPress website effectively, you can read various articles on WordPress security, including those covering plugin vulnerabilities, avoiding illegal plugins and themes, and dealing with spam issues.

At WPbeveiligen, we provide security services for both new and existing websites, and we have extensive experience with themes and plugins. Our security packages offer a range of protections, including preventing injections, securing files, ensuring backups, updating plugins, and safeguarding against brute-force attacks and other malicious activities.

By securing your WordPress website, you can protect it from potential threats and maintain a safe online presence.

Wat is XSS? Alles over: Cross Site Scripting

Cross Site Scripting (XSS) becomes possible when forms are not properly closed or do not filter the information you can enter.

The term “XSS” stands for Cross Site Scripting, and it was adapted because “CSS” (Cascading Style Sheets) already existed.

How does Cross Site Scripting work?

When a form does not use “htmlspecialchars,” and all characters entered in an input field can be fully processed, it gives the opportunity to execute PHP on the website/server.

Through XSS, you can issue commands to the server. Consider what you can do with that capability—modifying, saving, executing files, and other tasks that are typically limited to website administrators.

What are the disadvantages if someone successfully executes Cross Site Scripting on your website?

  1. Your website’s appearance can be modified.
  2. Pages that were meant to be private or for paid users only may become visible.
  3. Information from you and your visitors can be stolen (e.g., information in cookies).
  4. Phishing code can be added to your site, resulting in a quick Google ban.
  5. Trojans can be offered to visitors’ computers without your knowledge.
  6. Keystrokes on the keyboard can be logged (e.g., what you type when logging into your bank’s website).
  7. Your browser can crash due to a forced error overload.
  8. And more…

Beyond website modifications, XSS also impacts your browser/computer

– Through the browser, the webcam can be activated, and a recording started.
– Listening through the microphone is possible.
– Files can be saved.
And so on…

I’ve never encountered XSS as a visitor to websites… have I?

Have you seen the popup: “Do you want to leave this page?” In many cases, you can click [x] to close it. However, if you cannot close it and you find yourself on a website that isn’t very trustworthy, assume that there are pieces of code under the “leave page” and “go back” buttons that you’d rather not execute on your PC.

In such cases, it’s best to close the browser completely! (Use Task Manager in Windows to end the browser process)

How do I prevent XSS issues on my WordPress website?

You can check the WPscan database to see if any of your plugins have vulnerabilities.
Keeping WordPress up-to-date is essential, especially if it’s not properly secured. WordPress sometimes updates twice a month when Cross Site Scripting vulnerabilities are found!

The best practice is to ensure that your WordPress website is secured. When your website is secure and a hacker or script cannot easily place or modify files, you prevent a significant portion of potential issues.

Securing WordPress from hackers

WordPress has become popular among entrepreneurs, design agencies, and even companies making millions.

Companies get a design created, set up a marketing team to fill the website, and then use WordPress to put everything online.

Due to its widespread use by large companies, WordPress has become an attractive target for hackers.

Hackers can download WordPress for free and test it for vulnerabilities, exploiting WordPress functions and using upload capabilities and posts to display their own information.

For this reason, it’s crucial to secure your WordPress website!

What can happen if a hacker hacks your website?

In 80% of hacks, it involves a spam script that causes your website to send emails using your domain name.

The script attempts to send as many emails as possible to offer their products to large groups of people.

10% of hackers aim to become known or just play a “cool” trick, and your website will display their logo and text.

The remaining 10% destroys your website and simply makes it non-functional.

Once your website is hacked..

Once your WordPress website is hacked, it’s unfortunately not so easy to get rid of it.

If a plugin, theme, or your WordPress is vulnerable, the hacker or a script often places a “backdoor” in one of the hundreds of files.

(A backdoor is essentially a loophole that opens WordPress through an admin user, by sending FTP credentials, or through a certain link that provides access to the database.)

What can I do to protect my WordPress website?

I have a few simple steps for you to take that can make your WordPress website safer. Keep in mind that there are many more vulnerabilities that need to be addressed, but these steps will put you on the right track.

  1. Change your admin username. “Admin” is very standard and known to every hacker and script.
  2. Update your WordPress, themes, and plugins.
  3. Do not download illegal premium plugins.
  4. Remove plugins that you don’t use.
  5. Use a security plugin like WordFence or iThemes Security.

I want a professional to secure my WordPress website!

I’m Mathieu from

I’ve been working with WordPress since 2007 and have been active as a programmer-designer for years.

The experience I’ve gained over the years has been used since 2010 as a full-time WordPress security expert.

Do you want to secure your WordPress website?

Contact me directly! Even if your website is already hacked, I’ll make sure your website is restored to almost new and properly secured.

I also offer a guarantee for this!