Afbeelding direct van klembord naar de tekst editor plakken

Met deze plugin genaamd The Paste kun je screenshots direct in je bericht of pagina zetten, zonder deze eerst op te moeten slaan en dan weer te moeten uploaden!

Hoe handig is dat!

Een afbeelding direct van je klembord (geheugen) in de tekst-editor

Afbeeldingen direct van je klembord in de pagina of een bericht smijten. Hoe werkt dat?

Je download de plugin The Paste, activeert de plugin en vanaf dat moment kun je met CTRL + V gewoon afbeeldingen en screenshots in het bericht plaatsen zonder die eerst te moeten opslaan naar de computer en uploaden.

Waarom zou je deze functie willen?

  • Als je heel veel blogt, als je vaak je schermafbeelding wilt delen
  • Als je grote tutorials of artikelen schrijft met veel losse screenshots / afbeeldingen
  • Als je geen zin hebt om afbeeldingen continu te uploaden
  • Als je niet wilt zoeken en invoegen via de mediabibliotheek

Hoe komt een screenshot of afbeelding in mijn klembord?

Windows schermafbeelding maken
Het klembord van Windows zit standaard onder de Windows-logotoets + PrtScn-knop

Mac schermafbeelding maken
Bij mac zit een ClipBoard die je kunt benaderen via de onderstaande toetsencombinaties.
Volledig scherm: Command (⌘) + Shift + 3
Selectie: Command (⌘) + Shift + 4, sleep daarna om een gebied te selecteren.
Venster: Command (⌘) + Shift + 4, druk daarna op de spatiebalk en klik op het venster.

Notities en aanwijzingen toevoegen in de screenshots

Een pijltje, wat informatie toevoegen, ik raad LightShot aan. Die is kosteloos op moment van schrijven en werkt erg fijn!

Ja maar, SEO dan?

Je zou alts kunnen toevoegen, klik in je editor op de afbeelding en selecteer dan het potlood icoontje. En de bestandsnaam? Als je Google echt 101% te vriend wilt houden moet je de afbeeldingen toch los opslaan, een goede naam geven en dan uploaden.

The Paste gaat vooral om gemak en snelheid 😉

Removing the comment option completely in WordPress

The provided code is designed to remove the comment functionality from various parts of a WordPress website. This can be useful for websites that do not require user comments and want to prevent potential spam or security issues associated with comments. Here’s an explanation of each section of the code:

1. `remove_admin_bar_links`: Removes the comment bubble from the WordPress admin bar.

2. `df_disable_comments_post_types_support`: Disables comments and trackbacks for all post types (such as posts and pages).

3. `df_disable_comments_status`: Disables comments and pings on the front-end (i.e., the website itself).

4. `df_disable_comments_hide_existing_comments`: Hides existing comments on the front-end.

5. `df_disable_comments_admin_menu`: Removes the “Comments” link from the WordPress admin menu.

6. `df_disable_comments_admin_menu_redirect`: Redirects direct access to the “Comments” page in the admin to the main admin page.

7. `df_disable_comments_dashboard`: Removes the recent comments box from the WordPress admin dashboard.

8. `df_disable_comments_admin_bar`: Removes the comments link from the WordPress admin bar.

If you add this code to your theme’s `functions.php` file, it will disable comments and related features across your WordPress website. Be cautious when modifying the `functions.php` file, as incorrect code can cause errors on your website.

Regarding removing existing comments, there are a few methods:

1. **Manually deleting comments**: If you have a relatively small number of comments, you can delete them manually from the WordPress admin dashboard. You can increase the number of comments displayed per page to make the process faster.

2. **Using a plugin**: There are plugins available that can help you delete all comments at once. One such plugin is “Delete All Comments.”

3. **Deleting comments from the database**: If you are familiar with database management, you can directly remove comments from the `wp_comments` table in the database. However, be cautious when making direct changes to the database, and always back up your database before attempting any modifications.

Remember, once you remove comments, they cannot be recovered, so it’s essential to make a backup before proceeding with any deletion process. Additionally, disabling comments using the code snippet provided will prevent new comments from being submitted, but it won’t remove existing comments from the database.

Maak je admin en beheer beter met deze plugin

Ken je de Admin and Site Enhancements plugin al?!
De plugin vol zit met verbeteringen voor je WordPress beheerpanel, maar niet alleen dat, ook beveiliging, optimalisatie worden aangepakt met deze plugin. Dit is 1 van de meest uitgebreide plugins, waarmee je zoveel andere plugins kunt vervangen. In 1 klap!

Admin and Site Enhancements (ASE)

Je kunt de plugin hier vinden in de WordPress Plugins database.
En natuurlijk via je admin > plugins > nieuwe plugin > Admin and Site Enhancements

Wat kun je met deze plugin?

Echt enorm veel, maar we noemen er eens 5 op.

  1. Je pagina’s in het admin her-ordenen
    Ken je dat? Je wilt je homepage bewerken maar die staat ergens tussen de 40 andere pagina’s. Met deze functie kun je de pagina-volgorde ordenen in je admin en de homepage die je vaker bewerkt bijvoorbeeld bovenaan zetten.
  2. Je admin bar opruimen
    Er staat zoveel in je admin bar dat de items soms niet eens meer passen, je kunt er nu wat verwijderen. Denk aan het WordPress logo, de Nieuw+ link, de updates bubbel, de comment bubbel. Weg ermee!
    (Tabje: Admin Interface)
  3. Wil je even een afbeelding in je website vervangen?
    Dan moet je een nieuwe uploaden in de media tab en die in je bericht, pagina of header zetten.
    Nu heeft deze plugin een functie waarmee je de afbeelding simpelweg kunt vervangen via het media tab!
    (Tabje: Content Management)
  4. Wil je het admin beschermen tegen bots?
    Je kunt brute force aanvallen op IP basis tegenhouden.
    (Tabje: Security)
  5. Comments uitzetten? Rest API uitzetten?
    Er zijn veel functies die niet gebruikt worden, maar wel risico’s vormen voor de veiligheid of gewoon in de weg zitten. Je kunt ze nu uitzetten!
    (Tabje: Disable Components)
  6. Er zit echt héél véél in, ontdek het zelf!

Ferdy Korpershoek heeft een goede video gemaakt, en toont daarmee dat de plugin veel frustrerende punten van WordPress aanpakt aan waar anders tientallen plugins voor nodig zijn.

Er zitten nog 25+ verbeteringen in de plugin!!

Er zitten zoveel verbeteringen in deze plugin, allemaal netjes ondergebracht per type verbetering.
Je kunt zelf kiezen welke je wilt gebruiken!

Video uitleg!

Bekijk hieronder de video over alle mogelijkheden van deze plugin (in het engels).

Wat kost de plugin?

De plugin is op moment van schrijven gratis!

Maar er is ook een PRO versie te koop waar NOG MEER functies inzitten!
Die kun je vinden op

Getting Started with WordPress

If you’re just starting with WordPress, you can easily get lost in all the available information.

To keep it simple and avoid overwhelming you with more information, here’s a brief guide on where to start with your WordPress website.


You can download free themes from For more extensive themes, you can purchase them from places like Themeforest.

What is a theme?

A theme is the styling or appearance of your website. It determines how your pages look, the top and bottom of your website, and the appearance of your sidebar.

Both the layout and colors are determined by a theme.


You can download free plugins from

What is a plugin?

A plugin is an add-on that you can “plug into” your website. The type of add-on depends on the plugin; for example, there are plugins for website translation, website security, displaying images, creating photo albums, and more.

Be careful, though, as plugins can slow down your website and may pose security risks. Don’t just install any plugin you come across.


For the security of your WordPress website, whether big or small, it’s best to turn to WPbeveiligen.

With over 10 years of WordPress experience, hosting experience, and expertise in development, programming, and security, WPbeveiligen is the right choice.

Why is security necessary?

WordPress is open-source and freely available for everyone worldwide. As WordPress is a popular platform for building websites, many malicious hackers target its potential vulnerabilities and widespread use. When a hacker finds a vulnerability, they can infect thousands of websites with malware within hours. Malware is harmful to your website’s reputation, affecting both visitors and your ranking in Google.

You can secure WordPress by using a security plugin and configuring it properly, or you can let us secure your website for you.

Need more information or have questions?

The WordPress NL forum has many users with knowledge of WordPress who can help you with any questions.

Additionally, we have written a large number of articles to assist you. Visit our articles page for an overview of topics and the latest articles on WordPress.


Creating a company website in WordPress

A business website aims to persuade visitors to make a purchase. To achieve this, a few important elements are needed:

  1. A great product
  2. A clear website
  3. Engagement with your customers

We will discuss these three points in detail and provide guidance on how to achieve them.

A Great Product

The product is, of course, your responsibility. In writing this article, we assume that you have a top-quality product.
A product sells best when:

  1. It is innovative, allowing you to have less competition and sell more.
  2. For a clear website, continue reading…

A Clear Website – The Pages

A clear website should have the following elements:

  1. A homepage that, within 1 minute, tells visitors what you offer and how you differentiate yourself from others. (Homepage)
  2. An informative page about the person selling the product. (About Us)
  3. A product page that displays where it can be purchased and provides information about the product’s features. (Shop)
  4. A contact page that includes contact information such as phone number and email. (Contact)
  5. A Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page.

If you’re new to WordPress, learn how to create pages here.

Engagement with Your Customers

Personal contact is still the best way to make sales. Including your phone number and email address (or contact form) is essential.
You can also provide an option for customers to enter their phone number so you can call them back.

Contact Form 7
With Contact Form 7 (plugin), you can create simple or advanced contact forms.
Contact Form 7 offers many possibilities, but it requires some understanding of how it works. Fortunately, we have written an article on how to use this plugin.

Establish Policies for Your Product or Service

Document how your product should be handled and what it should not be used for.
Consider creating a page with the terms and conditions of the product warranty and when it becomes void. (Terms and Conditions)

Create Landing Pages

Landing pages are specifically designed to promote your product or service with a beautiful layout and clear explanation.
You can create landing pages most effectively and easily with Visual Composer (requires some research and experience).
The advantage of Visual Composer is its ease of use when inserting elements such as videos, contact forms, dynamic content, and more.

Social Media

You want visitors to share your website or follow you on social media.
Here are some excellent plugins for social sharing:
1. Social Share Button Adder (free)
2. Monarch by Elegant Themes (paid)
3. Social Warfare (free)

SEO – Search Engine Optimization

To achieve the best possible ranking in Google, you need plugins that allow you to customize the description and title of your pages.
1. All in One SEO Pack (free)
2. Yoast SEO (free)



Know exactly how fast your website is?

Know exactly how fast your website is?

Use the chrome browser and press F12

Then you will see a developer tools screen where you can click on NETWORK.

Then refresh the homepage of your website by simultaneously pressing SHIFT F5.

You will then see a number of data that we will explain using the image below.

What to look out for

At point 4 you can see how many requests the website makes, how large the website is in KBs and the loading time.

What is slow? Like 5-7 seconds and anything above that is slow.

At point 2 you can see which files are the largest and may slow down the website.

At point 3 you can see the time it takes to load a request or file.

So, now you as a website developer or website owner can see exactly how the speed of your website is doing!

WPsecure, you learn every day 😉

snelheid website

The WordPress SiteDiagnosis – What can you do with it?

Automattic (the creators of WordPress) have added a new tool to WordPress called Site Health.

This tool is primarily intended for advanced programmers and administrators.

Have you used Site Health before?
We dare to bet that you haven’t 😉

What can you do with Site Health?

Site Health provides you with technical information about your WordPress website.
This information is mainly interesting for programmers or webmasters who need to maintain the site.

Site Health, let’s be serious…

If you’re a good programmer, you would naturally look in the right places, such as the wp-config, the database, or the server itself. If there’s something wrong, you can fix it directly.

But you still want to use Site Health

We’ll guide you through the most valuable information from Site Health and explain how you can use that information.

Go to the “Info” tab in Site Health.

There you will see a section called WordPress. Here you can see the WordPress release that your website is currently using. Previously, this information was displayed at the bottom right of every admin page, but now it says “update to…” which directs you to this Site Health page to view the current WordPress version.

Next is the Directories and Sizes. You can check the database size here. It should be between 10 and 30 MB. For large websites, 50-90 MB is also possible, but if your database is 200-400 MB, you should take a look at the tables to see if everything is okay. Some plugins store so much information that it unnecessarily burdens the database and slows it down.

The Active Theme. It’s nice, but you can also see this in Appearance -> Themes.

Must Use Plugins. The translation is not great here, but what you see are plugins that are required. They are located in the multisite folder, and without that piece of code, another plugin won’t work. Usually, there’s nothing interesting to see here.

The Active Plugins. Does your website have more than 25 active plugins? Then take a look to see if there are any unnecessary plugins that you can remove. Each plugin adds a piece of code that slows down the website. Additionally, having many plugins increases the risk of malware. (Check for vulnerable plugins at the moment.)

Media Handling. Nothing to see here unless your images are not scaling upon upload. Although it’s more likely that this is due to the write permissions of the upload directories.

The Server. The PHP version is very important and should be somewhat up-to-date. For the security and speed of the website, it’s recommended to use one of the latest stable PHP versions. The PHP memory limit should be at least 64-96MB, but for a large website or webshop, 256-512MB is better.

The Database. For most people, the database information is too technical. This is hosting information, and you assume that your host has it under control. However, you can see the database prefix here, and if it’s the default and well-known “wp_” prefix, it’s better to change it (for example, with iThemes Security in the Advanced tab).

WordPress Constants. This is also information for seasoned programmers, and they wouldn’t go to Site Health for this 😉
But if you really want to, you can see here whether the debug mode is enabled or disabled, if debug logging is enabled, and if the paths to wp-content and plugins are correct.

Filesystem Permissions. Those terms… what translator came up with them?
Anyway, you can see if the most important directories such as the root directory, wp-content directory, plugins directory, and some other directories are writable.

Conclusion and closing

If you have ever used the Site Health tool in WordPress, let us know in the comments. Did you find it helpful?

Honestly, the information provided is mainly for advanced programmers, and they would directly check the settings in the actual locations instead of using this diagnostic tool.


Gathering technical information about a website is the first thing a hacker does, so having a code that displays all the technical information on your website?
Not a good idea!

What is a website server?

A server is an extremely fast computer that “serves” your website when someone visits your domain name.

veiligheid datacenterServers are typically located in data centers, which are hi-tech buildings with secure rooms and fast internet connections.
The building is divided into enclosed spaces where sensors ensure that the temperature, humidity, and airflow are optimal for the server to perform well. This results in a more stable server, which is important for website uptime.

Why are websites hosted on servers?

As mentioned, it provides a secure environment to store your website. The internet connection is fast enough to load thousands of websites.

You “can” serve a website from a single computer, but this is not cost-effective, nor is it very secure or stable.

Are all servers the same?

No, there are differences in the technology used by servers. The configuration can also vary. Therefore, it cannot be assumed that your website is hosted on the best and fastest server.

Can I buy my own server?

Yes, you can. However, keep in mind that you will have maintenance, licensing costs, and many other expenses, resulting in initial costs of 1500+ euros, not to mention monthly costs. That’s why 99.9% of all website owners choose a hosting provider that has servers in a data center.

Choose a good hosting provider

Currently, we are in contact with a very fast hosting provider.
They use the latest technologies, both in terms of software and hardware (the server itself).

An important aspect for a fast website is also the number of websites hosted on a server. If there are too many, the sites can still be slow. This often happens with budget hosts.

The hosting provider we recommend prioritizes the speed of your website and therefore hosts only a few websites per server.

Do you want an extremely fast website?

Then choose our hosting provider.


WordPress plugins, what are WordPress plugins?

There are more than 55,000 free WordPress plugins available on the official website of WordPress itself. There are also thousands of plugins developed that you can buy.

But what a plugin actually does is unknown to many. As are the differences between free and premium plugins. What impact does a plugin have on your WordPress website, can you use an unlimited number of plugins?

We are going to discuss it!

About free plugins

Plugins are offered for free on because it allows programmers and web agencies to advertise their business. Sometimes a free plugin is also offered because its creator is enthused and wants to share the plugin with the rest of the WordPress community.

A free plugin is no worse than a so-called Premium or Pro plugin that you have to pay for.

Especially if the plugin is offered on itself, you can trust the plugin. The plugin undergoes a number of tests before it is posted. If the plugin is found to be unsafe, or not updated it can be removed.

About premium plugins (Paid)

With a premium plugin, you pay either once or annually. Keep in mind that the annual payment may be required to receive the latest updates!!!

Many forget the annual payment, the plugin may possibly stop functioning because of this.

A paid plugin is no better or more secure than a free plugin. This is because the functioning and security depends on the team developing the plugin.

With a purchased plugin, you do theoretically get more customized support, but again this depends on the team creating the plugin.

The Envato market has many premium plugins.

Updating plugins is necessary

Why a plugin needs to be up-to-date:

  1. Code output changes, this is due to server updates to PHP
  2. The operation of the server changes, faster techniques and new security requirements
  3. Hackers sometimes find leaks in plugins which they exploit on a large scale
  4. Browsers change regularly, the CSS & HTML rules used change as a result
  5. New technologies require graphical adaptations in the code, think of the smartphones, smartwatches, large 4-8K monitors
  6. Operating systems handle code differently, so a plugin needs to be debugged regularly

The technique behind a plugin

A plugin is created in PHP, with the visual elements naturally written in HTML and CSS.
When a plugin wants to load dynamic code, it also loads jQUERY and uses JAVASCRIPT.

You use a plugin to add a functionality. A plugin can display the added feature in your website in a few ways:

  • Through a WordPress “function/hook.”
    For example, think of the function/hook that WordPress calls to the text of a page or post.
  • By adding code to the theme.
    The theme, especially the header & footer are displayed on every page and post.
  • By using a [shortcode]
    A Shortcode allows you to add the operation of the plugin between the text in pages and posts

A plugin can communicate with the WordPress database. A plugin actually has no limit when it comes to modifying the operation of your website. For this reason, plugins must be handled with care.
A plugin can make and break your website!

The safety of plugins

The safety and proper functioning of a plugin is not guaranteed. There is no “this plugin works well with all the plugins you already have – seal of approval”.

Therefore, it happens that a plugin causes security problems or errors.

Errors caused by a plugin
wordpress plugin lek beveiligingThere are several plugins that turn your website into 1 white page with an error message, simply by putting a ; . / , > in the wrong place can already break the website.

Security vulnerabilities caused by a plugin
There are hundreds of plugins registered on that have security problems. These are leaks that allow a hacker or script to extract data from your website, or add it to your website.
Needless to say, you don’t want your customer data and account details taken from the database… or spam to be displayed or sent through your website.

Conflicts between plugins
It usually goes well, but not all plugins can be used on the website at the same time. If different plugins load the jQuery library, 1 of the 2 may stop working. If 2 plugins edit a function of WordPress, they may overwrite or undo each other.

Usually it goes well
Plugins are usually fixed or updated, if there is a leak in them it is fixed. If there are conflicts between plugins, they are fixed. Especially if a plugin is used by thousands of websites.
Avoid problems by being sparing with the number of plugins you use.
And especially if they have the same function!

Why should you pay for a plugin?

We’ve discussed the premium plugins that require you to pay a certain amount once or annually to continue using them.

When is a plugin worth the money?

  1. When there is no free alternative
    We already discussed, and so are separate providers of plugins.
  2. When the desired feature is not affordable to code by a programmer
    You can also have a plugin custom coded, but that can sometimes cost more than buying an existing plugin.
  3. If you make money using the plugin
    Think of a plugin that generates quotes or a plugin that increases the turnover of your web shop. Plugins on which you depend heavily may cost a bit, especially if you get support when a problem arises.
  4. If the plugin keeps your website safe
    WordFence and iThemes are plugins you can download for free, but if you take a paid version… the so-called premium or pro version, they offer more features and more security. It’s better not to skimp on that.

Het aantal plugins in mijn website, wat is normaal?

Ik zie veel websites voorbij komen met 10, 20, 30 of zelfs 60 plugins!

Wat is verstandig, en wat is normaal?

  1. Een informatieve website
    Deze mag best 5 tot 10 plugins bevatten. Meer is overdaad voor het tonen van informatie en remt je website alleen maar af.
  2. Een actieve bedrijfswebsite
    Je hebt een offerteformulier, misschien nog een FAQ plugin, je gooit Google maps erin. Goed te begrijpen. Zo’n website kan gerust 10-15 plugins bevatten.
    Meer is niet aan te raden. De website wordt er trager van, meer berheerskosten, eventuele conflicten tussen plugins.
  3. Een webshop
    Je hebt WooCommerce en een aantal plugins om je webshop te automatiseren. Ik begrijp het, je wilt een Ajax Cart tonen en een Wishlist en een iDeal integratie hebben. Een aanbiedingen slider, de bijproducten tonen, een nieuwsbrief etc etc..
    Een webshop kan zomaar 15-20 plugins bevatten.
    Meer kan ook maar is niet aan te raden, vooral omdat de veiligheid van je webshop voorop staat.. en dat kun je steeds minder garanderen naar mate het aantal plugins toeneemt.
  4. Een bedrijfswebsite voor een gigantisch bedrijf
    De eigenaar van het bedrijf heeft wat wensen, de marketingafdeling wil wat kunnen meten, de webbouwer heeft enkele belangrijke plugins die het hem makkelijker maken de website op te zetten.
    Voor je het weet zitten er 20-30 plugins in de website.
    Dat kan, maar hou rekening met de nodige onderhoud. Het debuggen van plugins die onderling problemen veroorzaken. En als er veel bezoekers komen, optimaliseer de website dan.

Ja maar, ik heb 40, 50 of wel 65 plugins in de website zitten!

Ga dan eens goed ruimen! Verwijder de in-actieve plugins. Probeer dubbele plugins eruit te halen. Kijk eens of er geen lekke plugins in zitten (Gebruik de zoekbalk van wpscan).


The number of plugins in my website, what is normal?

I see many websites coming by with 10, 20, 30 or even 60 plugins!

What is sensible, and what is normal?

  1. An informative website
    It’s okay to have 5 to 10 plugins. More is overkill for displaying information and only slows down your website.
  2. An active business website
    You have a quote form, maybe another FAQ plugin, you throw in Google maps. Fair enough. Such a website can easily contain 10-15 plugins.
    More is not recommended. It makes the website slower, more storage costs, possible conflicts between plugins.
  3. A webshop
    You have WooCommerce and some plugins to automate your webshop. I understand, you want to show an Ajax Cart and have a Wishlist and an iDeal integration. An offers slider, show the side products, a newsletter etc etc..
    A webshop can contain just 15-20 plugins.
    More is also possible but not recommended, especially because the security of your shop is paramount… and you can guarantee that less and less as the number of plugins increases.
  4. A corporate website for a huge company
    The owner of the company has some wishes, the marketing department wants to be able to measure something, the web builder has some important plugins that make it easier for him to set up the website.
    Before you know it, there are 20-30 plugins in the website.
    That’s possible, but keep in mind the necessary maintenance. Debugging plugins that cause problems among themselves. And if there are a lot of visitors, optimize the website.

Yes but, I have 40, 50 or as many as 65 plugins in the website!

Then start cleaning up! Remove the inactive plugins. Try to take out duplicate plugins. Check for leaky plugins (Use wpscan’s search bar).

From 1 to 100 plugins in 12 seconds

Beforehand, the owner of a company usually does not know exactly what the website or web shop should be able to do. Or what a WordPress website can – and cannot – do by default.

Yes, the website must sell products or attract customers!
– Just like or Amazon.

We are spoiled with many webshops and websites that serve us very well. But there is months or years of automation in there. A large number of programmers. And a lot of money.

The rule is: the easier the website works for the user, the more automation is in it.

Example of a webshop
You create a standard webshop in WordPress with WooCommerce.
That’s a free plugin that turns your website into a webshop.
Then it can only show products!

Do you want a Wishlist? Then you need a Wishlist plugin.

Do you want customers to pay via Ideal? Then you’ll need a Mollie plugin.

Do you want to notify visitors who don’t checkout? Then you’ll need an Abandoned Cart plugin.

Do you want visitors to sign up for a newsletter? Then you need a newsletter plugin.

Do you want visitors to be able to submit a question or complaint? Then you need a contact form.

Do you want splashy pages? Then you need a page builder.

Want to rank in Google? Then you need an SEO plugin.

Want to serve customers internationally? Then you need a translation plugin.

– And so on and so forth!

In short:

Talk to your web builder in advance, list ALL you expect from the website or web shop. Don’t assume that everything is already in your website with 1-2 mouse clicks.

The power of WordPress

By default, WordPress already offers a large number of possibilities to customize the website to your liking. Without deploying a complete plugin for every customization.
Note: these additions are best deployed by a programmer – or someone with WordPress experience.

For example, try using:

Page Templates for specific pages
If you want 1 page to be different from the rest of your website, you can create a page template for it. You take a page, so to speak, and manually place the desired code in it.
Custom fields adding extra information with a fixed layout
WordPress gives you the ability to add custom fields to pages and posts. This allows you to give a fixed format to extra information you display in a page or post.
Child themes for layout changes
The programmer can deploy a child theme, which allows him to make small additions or modifications to the current theme without adding a lot of code through a plugin.
The Customizer for color and layout changes
Want to change some color, the width or height of an element? You can easily do that using CSS in the Customizer.
The functions.php of your theme
It is advisable to do this in the child theme as described in point 3, but the point is that there are thousands of code snippets on the internet that you can put in the fnuctions.php without having to deploy a new plugin for it.

Pro tip: Before you make any changes to your website or have a programmer do it for you… make a backup of the data and database first! Then you can restore that backup if an error occurs in your website.

You can make the backup via your hosting panel, Plesk or Directadmin. Assuming you have access to that.
Otherwise, there is of course a plugin for making backups: Updraftplus!

25 reasons to use WordPress for your corporate website


  1. WordPress is open source, free to use
    As they themselves have stated on their website for over 10 years, ”WordPress is free and always will be”.
  2. 95% of all web hosts support WordPress
    WordPress runs on PHP and MySql
  3. The installation is easy
    At many web hosts, it takes just a few clicks without you having to worry about files and the database
  4. WordPress allows themes as well as templates
    With thousands of free themes and temaplate options, your website can take any form you can think of
  5. WordPress is search engine friendly by default
    The structure of pages is well picked up by Google
  6. There are numerous formatting options for texts
    Whether you want to use titles, bold, quotes or video from YouTube, it is all possible without difficult html codes or embed codes.
  7. You can switch between the visual editor and html editor
    Although the visual text editor gives you many possibilities, you can still quickly switch to html view to insert html codes
  8. You can divide news items into topics and post types
    So you can add a pre-set layout
  9. WordPress is available in more than 100 languages
    Since 2022 you can choose which language you want to manage your website in at the login screen so you can start working in your own language right away
  10. With plugins you can easily add features to your website
    There is a plugin database with more than 55,000 free plugins available
  11. WordPress has a support forum
    This forum is maintained by members and various administrators, here you can personally get answers to your questions about WordPress codes, using WordPress, Plugins and themes
  12. WordPress is currently the most widely used website system
    WordPress is used by millions of large companies, news blogs, for web shops (WooCommerce) and startups
  13. WordPress is used by millions of programmers and website builders
    Right now in every city you have website agencies working with WordPress so you always have someone to manage, modify or improve your website
  14. WordPress will be 20 years old next year (2023)
    WordPress is one of the longest running systems with the most support over the years, Matt Mullenweg and his team have been managing WordPress for years with great success
  15. Security updates come out annually and sometimes even monthly that address the latest security threatsMatt Mullenweg and his team use their experience as well as the community (thousands of dedicated specialists) to release security updates to keep WordPress secure
  16. There are hundreds of Filters and Actions pre-programmed
    Those Filters and Actions allow you to create new features (plugins) without having to write hundreds of lines of code each time
  17. WordPress has a built-in comment system
    There is a standard form under each blog post or news item for visitors to leave a comment (you can also disable this)
  18. WordPress is a light and fast system
    WordPress is a well-optimized system that displays pages to visitors and Google within 1-3 seconds
    (The use of plugins or a web hoster with problems sometimes make WordPress slow, avoid this by being careful with the plugins that are installed)
  19. WordPress makes images web-friendly
    If you upload images from a high quality camera or phone they are much too large for internet use, that’s why WordPress instantly creates a few sizes you can choose from after uploading
  20. WordPress also has a webshop module
    With WooCommerce you can easily create a webshop that integrates with the style, navigation and shape of your website
  21. WordPress is user friendly
    There is also sufficient documentation for starters, so WordPress can be used not only by specialists but also by beginners
  22. WordPress has links with many large companies
    Many large companies – Bol, Amazon, accounting systems, planning software – have created plugins for WordPress that allow you to easily link your website to their services
  23. WordPress can be used on phones and tablets
    There are apps available that make it easier to manage WordPress on smartphones and tablets
  24. WordPress has export possibilities
    Data from your website can be exported in various ways, useful if you want to load the data into another program
  25. Logging in and managing your website is easy
    With the latest module from iThemes Security you can even login with face-id, or with an email link. This way you no longer have to remember passwords and you can easily manage the website from anywhere