Why am I receiving so much spam?

So much spam! If you don’t have good filters, you can receive 20 to 200 unwanted emails daily. SPAM!

To figure out why you’re receiving so much spam, it’s essential to understand how spammers obtain your email address, why you’re getting so much in your inbox, and ultimately, most importantly, how to solve the problem.

How do they obtain your email address?

Individuals who want to send spam/advertisements can acquire your email address in three ways:

  • They purchase an email database with 20,000 email addresses.
  • They write a script that scans the internet for email addresses on web pages (then they spam these addresses and sell them again).
  • They personally approach large companies (this is rare).

Why do you receive so much spam?

If your email provider doesn’t have filters, you could receive thousands of spam messages per day. Fortunately, every hosting provider and mail service has spam filters, as otherwise, they would have to handle 95% of all mail from spambots.


These are scripts running on computers that do one thing: emailing, emailing, and emailing. A simple script that takes an email address, then grabs a piece of advertising and sends it. But it does this 4 times a day to the same address and with a total of millions 24/7.

Despite the spam filters, you still get 10 to 20 messages per day… 7 days a week. These are emails sent from unknown servers, where the sender can bypass all filters.

How can you solve spam?

In email programs and on the server, there are options to block email addresses or certain words.

Sometimes, in addition to the 500 words that are already blocked, it’s necessary to block specific advertisements as well.

Use the filters available in your email program or on the server to delete spam immediately. Otherwise, you’ll be constantly deleting spam emails every day, and it’s a losing battle against a computer, something we as humans will never win.

Why do people send spam?


1 out of 10,000 emails gets read, and someone makes a purchase. So there’s a reason to send millions of emails with a certain “great offer.”