My WordPress has been hacked. I download 5 antivirus plugins!

My WordPress has been hacked. I download 5 antivirus plugins!
datum-geschreven 3 Dec 2023

“My WordPress site has been hacked. I download an antivirus plugin, and maybe another one, and one more…”

And fixed?

No, there are several good plugins available. Think of iThemes Security and WordFence, or Sucuri, Acunetix, All in one security… there are many!

But what these 5 plugins don’t do,

They cannot break down hackers’ code, they don’t evaluate code. At most, a security plugin can show you code that may not belong on your site.

The free plugins

A free plugin lacks many features like scheduled scans, backups, and more.

The Premium plugin

A premium plugin has many more features, such as scheduling scans so you are quickly informed of hacks, and blocking hackers and hack scripts.

But when it comes to removing hacks…

Even if you download 5 security plugins… once your site is hacked, it’s not easy to get rid of it.

Why 5 security plugins won’t help you much if you are already hacked

  1. The database information has been extracted from the wp-config and is being used to execute new injections on the database
  2. The FTP credentials may be known, and no plugin can help against server-level privileges
  3. The plugins do not recognize new hack codes as “dangerous” or as an open door for hackers

In conclusion

Secure your WordPress site before it gets hacked. Prevention is better than cure!


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