WordPress installation issues

As passionate WordPress programmers, we are well aware that installations do not always go smoothly. While WordPress itself is reliable, external factors can sometimes require adjustments or manual settings.

Here are some common installation issues and their solutions:

WordPress Installation Problem #1

The wp-config.php file cannot be written to.

Solution: Copy the wp-config-sample.php file and remove the “-sample” part from the filename. Then, manually add the MySQL database information to the file. You can find the wp-config.php sample file in the httpdocs directory, where the wp-config.php file should be placed.

WordPress Installation Problem #2

The admin system is not functioning correctly, showing error pages, or indicating missing files.

Solution: It is likely that you uploaded a WordPress download to the FTP, and some files were not transferred to the server or were incomplete. To resolve this, copy the files again to the server, overwriting the existing files to ensure complete files are in place.

WordPress Installation Problem #3

The admin system was working after installation, but it hangs after adding plugins.

Solution: A plugin is causing the error, and it may seem impossible to deactivate it since you cannot access the admin system. The best approach is to rename the plugins. Add a hyphen to the plugin’s folder name on the server. This will make the plugin inactive, and you will know which plugin is causing the error. Sometimes, plugin development lags behind the latest WordPress releases, leading to compatibility issues.

WordPress Installation Problem #4

After completing the installation, when creating a new post, you are unable to upload an image.

Solution: Sometimes, the uploads folder is not immediately writable, which is essential for uploading images. Navigate to httpdocs > wp-content > uploads, right-click on the folder, and choose File Permissions or CHMOD. Set the write permissions (usually 777), and the issue is likely to be resolved.

WordPress Installation Problem #5

You cannot change the permalinks because the .htaccess file is missing or not writable.

Check if there is a file named “.htaccess” in the httpdocs directory of your hosting/server space. This file is crucial for permalinks. If it is missing, create a new file and set its permissions to 777. Generate the permalinks in your admin panel under Settings > Permalinks. Once done, remember to set the permissions to 444 (read-only) to prevent hackers or hackbots from redirecting your website.

5 Problems and 5 Solutions

These are some common problems and their solutions. If you encounter other issues or need assistance, we have been working with WordPress for years, primarily focusing on restoring and securing WordPress websites. Feel free to contact us for availability, as restoring and securing WordPress websites is our priority.

WordPress install

Installing WordPress requires a hosting package with at least 1000 MB of disk space to accommodate WordPress and future content like text and images. The hosting package should also include a database, which is often provided by default with the hosting plan. When you order a hosting package, you’ll receive an email containing certain details:

1. FTP (File Transfer Protocol) details: These credentials give you access to the server where you will place WordPress in step 3. They usually include a Hostname (e.g., ftp.example.com), Username (e.g., example_user), and Password (e.g., &Y#HLlk214h). You’ll use these details in an FTP program like Filezilla to upload WordPress to the server.

2. MySQL database details: These credentials are used during the WordPress installation in step 4. They typically include the Database name (e.g., example_dbname), Database username (e.g., example_uname), and Password (e.g., &Y#HLlk214h).

Once you have a hosting package, you can proceed with the following steps:

Step 1. Download WordPress: You can download WordPress for free from WordPress.org. After downloading, extract the files using a ZIP or WINRAR program.

Step 2. Place WordPress on the server: Use the FTP credentials to connect to the server using an FTP program like Filezilla. Once connected, navigate to the “WWW” or “HTTPDOCS” folder (often referred to as the root of your site) and upload the files you extracted in Step 1.

Step 3. Link WordPress to the database: Access your domain in a web browser to initiate the WordPress installation. During this process, you’ll be asked to provide the MySQL database details, such as Database name, Database username, and Password. The Database host is usually “localhost,” but you can find a specific address in the email containing your hosting information. For added security, consider changing the table prefix during installation.

Step 4. You’re done! After completing the installation, you can access the WordPress admin panel by going to www.your-website-address.nl/wp-admin. Enter the username and password you chose during installation to access the WordPress admin, where you can manage your WordPress website.

It’s important to note that while WordPress is a robust system, its popularity and free accessibility make it a target for hackers. To enhance website security, consider using a reliable WordPress security plugin, which can address over 100 known vulnerabilities and make it more difficult for hackers to exploit your website.

This is how you install wordpress!

Installing WordPress, it has worked the same way for 10 years and is very simple. If you know how!
That’s why these basic instructions for the absolute beginner.

  1. Download WordPress here for free
    You will now download a ZIP/RAR file. If you don’t yet have the option to extract the files, download Winzip or Winrar.
  2. You need a domain name and hosting to show your website on the internet.
  3. When you have hosting, you get Database and FTP data.
    With Filezilla and the FTP details you can Put WordPress (From step 1) on the server.</li >
  4. Once you have uploaded the files to the server (Step 3), you can start the installation.
    Go with the browser to the domain name you purchased where your website should be located, then this screen will appear automatically.
  5. On the installation screen, enter the Database details. (You got it from the web host, step 3)
    You will also be asked to come up with a username and password that will allow you to access the administration panel from now on.
    Click install, and you’re done!

Have fun with WordPress!