Every now and then, you come across those exceptional plugins that make your life a little bit easier.
One such plugin is CYSTEME Finder Download the plugin (zip file).
The plugin is called “CYSTEME Finder, a file explorer,” and it’s a neat plugin that allows you to take a peek at the server without needing an FTP program like Filezilla.
View Files on the Server
Copy, Move, and Delete Files
You can not only view the files but also, just like in a regular FTP program, modify, copy, and delete them.
Modify Files
In WordPress, you can typically only access the theme and plugins to modify them, but with this plugin, you can even edit your WordPress core files.
This is useful if you want to remove backdoors!
Be cautious! The plugin can do a lot, but it is NOT recommended to keep it on the server by default.
Install and use the plugin when you need it, but do not give hackers and hack scripts the opportunity to use it or an outdated version to fill your server with files!
This applies to any plugin you use infrequently or once—remove it after use. Even if the plugin is not activated, it is still accessible on the server and thus vulnerable to hackers!