Shared webhosting

Wat is..
datum-geschreven 1 May 2023

Actually every hosting package is shared, renting a server quickly costs hundreds of euros per month and nobody wants to spend that.

So what does the web hoster do? It cuts the server capacity into parts.

Important to realize with Shared web hosting

The number of websites you share the server with can impact the loading speed of your website. With the cheapest hosting packages, you may be sharing a server with 100-250 other websites!

Het risico van een Shared server

  1. Als 1 van die websites in een “loop” beland – het oneindig herhalen van een servercommando kan de server traag worden waardoor de laadtijd van je website zomaar omhoog schiet naar 10-15 seconden. Een loop wordt niet altijd even snel ontdekt en kan weken doorgaan.
  2. Als een website op de server aangevallen wordt met een DDOS aanval kan jouw website onbereikbaar worden. Dit is meestal met 1, maximaal 2 dagen opgelost doordat de webhost de aangevallen website offline haalt of verhuisd van server.
  3. Als websites campagnes starten, advertising kan dat zorgen voor bezoekerspieken waardoor je website tijdelijk traag wordt. Dit kan meerdere keren per maand/jaar voor blijven komen.
  4. Als een website door malware geïnfecteerd raakt kan die gaan spammen, dat betekent dat er honderden e-mails vanaf de server verzonden wordt waardoor de server na enkele dagen tot een week op de blokkade-lijsten komt te staan van veel internetdiensten zoals internet-providers, e-maildiensten. Daardoor word e-mail van jouw website ook geblokkeerd!

The Risk of a Shared Server

  1. If one of those websites ends up in a “loop” – the infinite repetition of a server command, the server can become slow, causing the loading time of your website to skyrocket to 10-15 seconds. A loop is not always detected quickly and can go on for weeks.
  2. If a website on the server is attacked with a DDOS attack, your website can become unreachable. This is usually resolved with 1, maximum 2 days as the web host takes the attacked website offline or moves it from server.
  3. When websites launch campaigns, advertising can cause visitor spikes that temporarily slow down your website. This can continue to occur several times per month/year.
  4. If a website gets infected by malware, it can start spamming, which means that hundreds of e-mails are sent from the server, causing the server to end up on the blocking lists of many Internet services such as Internet service providers, e-mail services after a few days to a week. As a result, email from your website will also be blocked!

The consideration, shared hosting package or not?

keuze hostingpakket kosten

Small informative website

If you have a small informative website such a Loop or DDOS attack will not make much difference, the web hoster usually makes sure that the server is up and running again within 4-48 hours and your website will be accessible again.

The Shared hosting packages you often have already for 3-10 euros per month, which are often called “Basic, Standard or Starter”. They usually host many other websites.


If you have a webshop with many visitors, it is best to choose a hosting package with fewer other websites.

For a webshop package you pay between 25-50 euros per month. Such a package is called a Webshop, Business or Premium package.

Large corporate website or high-traffic website

And if you really want to be sure that you are not bothered by other websites, for example if you have a high-traffic website with thousands of visitors, then take a Dedicated package. Then you have an allocated server capacity that is separate from other packages.

For a DDS, which you can best get Managed, you quickly pay 55-150 euros per month.

Summary: don’t choose the cheapest hosting package of 1-2 euros per month when your website is an important source of income for you that you can’t miss for a day and take a package higher when you have a webshop.


NOTE: Often you will see a package that does not cost 10-50 euros per month but only 1-5 euros per month. This is often only for the first few months!!! After that you start paying full price. So pay attention to that before you buy a 50+ euro package that you have to start paying monthly.

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