How fast does my website load?

How fast does my website load?
datum-geschreven 14 Dec 2023

You can easily find out whether the slow loading of your website is due to your internet connection or the website itself using the website (free at the time of writing). After entering your website address, you will see global information, the number of requests, the load time, and the page size displayed clearly at the top of the website.

snelheid test

The speed of your website depends on the slowest file. That’s what you might be waiting for sometimes. Fortunately, the website mentioned above also shows how long it takes to load a file and the size of that file. You need to compare this information to get a good indication of whether the issue is with a file that is too large or if the code is significantly slowing it down.

Errors in code and files that are not in the correct location can take up a lot of time during server loading. This tool is a great way to test your website and see which files need to be optimized to make the website faster!

And for the programmers among us…

You can also see the speed of a website using the “Network” tab in the element inspector of a browser like Google Chrome.

snelheid inspector chrome

Now that you know how to identify what is slowing down your website and how many seconds it takes to load, you can optimize your website.

Here are some tips to make your website faster:

1. Resize large images using Photoshop.
2. Deactivate and remove unused plugins.
3. Review errors with the element inspector and fix them.
4. Ensure that links to files are correct.
5. Enable a caching plugin like WP Super Cache.
6. Use a security plugin to ban bots (fake visitors).
7. Load as much code as possible from your own domain instead of externally.

Remember, less is more when it comes to website speed optimization!

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